Chapter 4

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Wha-WHAT?! MINE?! Langa was freaking out. CALM DOWN YOUR STRESSING ME OUT. Langa stop screaming. Reki how did i- That night after you defeated ADAM we had a party you got drunk,and well went to a love hotel. Whats a  love hotel? Langa still doesn't know what it is. I'll explain later but if you want the baby or no I'm still keeping it,I won't abort it. Reki, Tears filled up Langas eyes. Of course I want the baby,Why would I not? What? Its my child I promise I'll be a great dad. L-Langa but we- Will you be my boyfriend Reki? Reki stared at Langa. Y-yes YES. Langa pulled Reki in for a kiss. Reki broke the kiss and Langa layed his head on Reki lap,And he rubbed Reki's belly. The two slept for a while, I know you'll be great dad Langa.

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