wus good / curious.

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[ a month later... ]

taughtbytwyd ugly

princesaabout to take my shower

taughtbyt: without me? 

        before i decided to reply to this boy i rolled my eyes and groaned. i swear to god, i hated those 'without me?'-ass niggas. that was usually strike one to make me not wanna talk to someone, you know? this "terran" character was technically past his third strike as it was - 1) he went to our rival high school, McCullough Prep, and played football against my brother, 2) i heard he was a thotty, 3) if he wasn't overly sexual, ole dude was boring as hell over text.

"vaaaaaal," i singsonged over to her side of the room. "can you help me with something?"

        "i'll try." she responded. it's been two whole months since she got back from st. louis and she still hasn't let go of her attitude. these days her attitude seemed worse, it was straight-up nasty and half the time i don't even wanna fuck with her. today, however, seemed like a good day for her. a chill saturday afternoon with sunshine and a cool breeze (i know cause i ran to get smoothies for the both of us this morning), and we were just lounging in our room. cohabiting one space in peace was rare these days and i was enjoying that shit.

        "okay. so like, you ever been texting a boy who's cute, fun in person but over text , if he not being nasty, he boring?" i asked, laying on my side and awaiting a reply from val. "bruh, put those things back in your sports bra. omari ain't here so nobody wanna see that."

"my bad," she mumbled. after adjusting her chest, she looked at me with a funny look. "no, i don't know." 

        since she was cuffed now, i totally forgot that for some odd reason she'd been single all her young life. see, we had a drew and chris from 'everybody hates chris' type of thing going on here. (you can guess who's the chris out of us two, can't you? i'll give you a hint, rhymes with cal.) "oh yeah. you have a nigga now, so-"

a loud thump against the wall cut me off. "raheema, i said no!"

"sydney, you're not a fucking child, refrain from throwing shit before you break anything!" mama screamed.

        i looked at val. she looked at me, and we shared a mutual look that said 'oh lord.' another argument between our moms, bruh. it could only end one of two ways, either with moans and sounds of skin on skin (ew) or with my mom sydney sleeping on the couch. but their arguments were more entertaining than t.v. was, so i flipped over onto my other side and pressed my ear to the wall to listen better. val came onto my bed and did the same.

"your point is?" mom yelled back.

 "you don't need to be yelling and shit over a simple question, that's my point. and who the hell you think you yelling at, huh?"

        "i'm yelling at you! and i do need to be yelling, cause i'm not trying to put my son through any unnecessary bull! i'm not letting that man around my son. you know this, so why the fuck would you ask?"

        a long, loud sigh left my mama's lips. well, i doubt if it was actually loud, because the whole house was dead silent as this point. it always got like this when they argue. "i asked because he's old enough to know his dad personally. baby, our little man ain't so little anymore, he's almost a man now. even if julio's a bad influence, i trust mal enough to know that he won't be easily be swayed. he's his own person, syd. and you and me did a good job raising him to be with way."

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