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i rolled my eyes from behind my driver's manual that i was actually tryna read for once; i didn't have shit else to do these days, and though my fifteenth birthday had passed in june, i didn't have my permit yet. i swear, it's like parents don't need you for shit until after you get comfortable, or when you're doing something that requires your undivided attention. "ma'am?" please do not make me get up. please, please, please.

"when i call you, that means for you to come in here."

sighing, i placed my highlighter in my book to mark my page and pulled myself from under my blankets. i walked listlessly into her room, and to my surprise, she was dressed in a dazzling red dress. it was a knee-length spaghetti strap dress that hugged her body, and the color popped against her dark brown skin. "ummm, excuse me, ma'am.... who are you trying to look cute for? you already married," i teased, my hands on my hips.

"that's the idea, you do thangs when you're married to keep 'em around. see, we're going out tomorrow night," she explained with a grin. tomorrow was friday. "i don't know exactly where syd's taking me, it's a surprise. she just gave me her card, told me to buy something pretty and be ready to go around 7 tomorrow night."

"it would be something if you got all dolled up just to do something basic. something teenager-y."

mom shrugged. "we didn't really get the chance to do all that, thanks to reggie's bitchass." she mumbled. "pretend you didn't hear that. but yeah, anyways, what i called you in for was to tell you that you're not on punishment anymore. i was wrong for just keeping you locked up for a month without at least telling you why you were grounded."

huh. "so why was i grounded? and for so long?"

"for one, you left without asking for permission. you're not grown, you need to ask somebody before you leave up outta here. it's crazy people out here, rei, you don't know what anybody out here is capable of! they could snatch you up, put you in the back of a van and... oh, god. i don't wanna think about it." she sighed. "but that, paired with the fact that you didn't tell anyone where you were even going nor did you answer your phone, and you were with a boy that we don't know. you need to slow down and think about what it is you're really doing."

"mommy," i whined. "i'm not doing nothing but trying to have fun while i'm young. i have the rest of my life to be tied down."

"do you not see i'm telling you to slow down with all of it?" she looked me deep in my eyes, i had to look away after awhile. "the kissing boys, rushing into relationships, talking to niggas you know deep down only want one thing, taking advantage of the ones who you won't give the time of day unless you want something, all of it. slow the fuck down before you run into something you'll regret, rei. be smart about what you're doing, you can have fun without being fast."

"fast? i'm not fast."

she just looked at me, then sighed. she put her head in one of her hands and held her other one out to me; in it was my phone. "take this damn phone before i change my mind." i hesitated. i was waiting on a 'never mind.', but it never came, so i gently took the phone and put it in my sweatpants pocket. i began walking out but turned around and saw mom in the same position, so i tiptoed back in and hugged her. she hugged back, then after awhile she let me go. "close my door," she said quietly.

i did as i was told, then felt an odd mix of guilt and happiness. happiness won, so i did a little happy dance outside of my parents' room. it was a combo of the nae nae, the running man and the jerk.

"what kind of dance is that?" my other mom asked, coming up the stairs with a look of both amusement and bewilderment.

"it's my happy dance!" i squealed. i hit the nae nae again with my phone in my hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2015 ⏰

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