Chapter 2

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By the time we got back to my territory it was dark and there was yelling coming from outside the trees. I ran to the clearing to find we were in the middle of a rogue attack. before I was able to shift or bite them with me fangs, one guy hurled a thick rock at my head and I was out cold.

One after another flourescent lights turn on all around me. Being enclosed by an abyss of white and having my brother shaking me telling me to wake up is a nightmare. I finally had the strength to open my eyelids and peer into what was about to happen. When I did my brother picked me up and ran for not only his but my life as well...

"What's going on?!?!" "Where's Jeremiah and Jaxson?" "Is dad and Lillian ok?" "Why are you running?" They questions spilled from my tongue. But the one I really wanted to know was 'why is he running?' Zachary was never the one to run. He usually stayed and fought ever since I can remember, but this time he was running and I had now idea why. By the time he stopped running we were in another packs' territory. I recognized the scent as the Dablem pack.

Zachary set me down, when he did I saw the bite mark on his shoulder from a vampire and claw marks on his stomach from a werewolf. I had a purple and black bruise forming on the side of my face where that jacka$$ threw the rock at my head, it was throbbing really bad.

"What the hell happened??" I asked in a panicky voice.
"Rogues attacked... A lot of them and they weren't just werewolves like is usually is it was vampires to. That's how I got this" he said pointing to the bite mark on his shoulder seeping crimson colored blood. I learned to get over the blood when I was younger.
"I haven't told you the worst part..." He said in a sad tone
"What is it?" I asked worriedly
"They were after you and Lillian knew about the whole thing, she wanted them to capture you. She was the one that bit me when I went to your side while you were knocked out. The twins told me to take you here and said they would be back when it's done." He said slowly so that I could register everything what he had just told me.
I stood there in shock. I knew my sister was jealous of me but I didn't know she would take as far as trying to get me captured and killed.

"We have to go back for dad, Jere and Jax!!" I said in a frightened voice
"I can't let you do that, there might still be rogues in our pack." Zach said
" I DON'T CARE!! They could be realy hurt and need us! I can take care of myself I'm faster both wolves and vampires, so LET ME GO!" I yelled in my alpha-female voice.
"You can take care of yourself yet you show up and not even a second later you get knocked out by a rock... So no." He said calmly
"He caught me off guard. I'm going and you can't stop me. I said while using vampire speed going back to my pack. When I got there I was looking for my dad and the boys, while destroying all the rogues that tried to stop me. I found my dad fighting off 4 wolves and jumped in and snapped their neck with one swift movement. My dad told me to find the boys through our mind link and I did.

Right now I don't even care is Lillian is dead or alive she did this and if the boy aren't breathing when I find them I will kill her myself. I found the twins fighting in a circle of 4 vampires and 7 wolves. Lillian was one of the vampires and when she saw me she charged. I snapped her neck but since she's a vampire she will come back in a few hours. I decided to shift into my wolf. When I did everyone stopped and stared at me. I didn't know why.

"When did you evolve!?!" My dad asked through the mind link. I had no idea what he was talking about but when I looked up wings had sprouted from the shoulder blades of my wolf. I figured out I could move them and I could fly I didn't know if this was a dreaming or not but I was flying above everyone. While in the air I shifted back into vampire and I still had the wings right now I was really scared.

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