chapter 4 Going to Canada

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Stacy's POV:

As i walk my two dogs Paige and Molly I have thoughts swirling in my mind.

*****************In Stacy's thoughts*****************

Why do I feel so close to Graser when i have only known him for a year and yet didnt talk to him much only when we made cube video ( A sereis she no long makes videos for ) and Mineclash.

*******************No longer in thoughts******************

I sundenly snap back into reality and realized that I hadn't been walking my dogs I had just been standing there doing noithing. when she finaly starts walking her dogs it starts to rain so she runs back to her house as fast as she can. When she enters her house she grabs three towles one for her and each of her dogs and dries her self and her dogs. She changes her clothes into her blue and white fluffy dog p.j's and slowly drifted off into sleep.

Graser's POV:

I started to get hungrey so i headed out and went to the joint,

~~~~~~30 Minutes later~~~~~~~~

As I enter my house I felt sleep drift over me so I went straight upstairs to my bedroom.

~~~~~~~In the Morning~~~~~~~~~~

When I wake up I go straight to Youtube and check the comments on my last Mineclash episoide, As i scroll down i see the words #Gracy or #Gracy4life and thought to my self why would they ship me and Stacy I decide to call Stacy on Skype. I get on my computer log onto skype and called.

Stacy's POV:

As I get on my computer to check the comments from last nights video I get a skype call from Graser. I answer it and say "Hi"

"Hi, have you seen the comments on last night video?" Asked Graser

"No, I was just about to why?"I asked qustionly

"They are some saying stuff like Gracy and #Gracy4life and stuff." Graser said

"Oh wow I never thought I would get shiped with someone, veary clever ship name if I say so myself." I added in jokeing.

Graser's POV:

"Well Stacy I wanted to ask you something." I say quitely

"Well Graser what is it you can ask me anything."  said Stacy

"Well I wanted to know if you would come up to Canada so we could meet and maybe do a group meet up with fans" I say

"Ok sure when?" asked Stacy

"Hmm in 3 days is that ok?" i asked

"Hmm yes its perfect!" said Stacy

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 days later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Stacy's POV:  (At airport)

As I take my seat on the plane I see a little girl who reconized me saying "OMG! ITS STACYPLAYS!!!!" I turn and and say hi. The little girl walks up to me and ask if she can have my autograph. "Of course you can." as i sign her shirt. After sitting in a plane seat for a good 3 hours I finaly reached Canada. As i walk of the plane I text Graser that im here.


S. Im here

G. I am too.

S. Were

G. Turn around

As I turn around i bump into someone who says "Hey Stacy im Graser!" says the man i bumped into "Wow" i say outloud

Well thats all for now i wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger also im going gto post a couple chapter a day but this weekend I can only posted sunday so on thurseday i'll write extra


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