An Important Chat

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Ok so this is more of a chat so sit down relax have a snack you know. I'm not sure if I have told you guys and I will tell you know and Ik a few other people who have it. Well I have eisoptrophopia wich means I'm afraid of my reflection. And to be completely honest it is hard to deal with because either seams like there are mirrors or mirror like things everwere and I mean EVERYWERE. The bathrooms, kitchens,bedrooms,believe it or not it is a real phobia, if I put that in the right terms, I hope I did. Now it is hard to deal with especially for me because I tries telling some friends about they stayed with me others didn't take the mater seriously but if you get picked on it just stare them straight into their eyes and say so. Wow I never knew how off track I got. Ok back on topic. Its hard to deal with because it always seams like you always have a mirror around when you do everything things like brushing hair and brushing your teeth or even cleaning your face, getting dressed. I don't know how I would get help because did I tell my mom she probably won't even know what  eisoptrophopia even is.
Now that's the end of thus chat and I know people who have but I don't know if I should say there names.

Stay strong :)


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