Chapter 26

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Ok so I used a little helper and his name is Google for this chapter. :-) enjoy

Stacy's POV:
I pulled pygmy phone and got on Google. First I googled if bears give hugs. Answer yes teddy bears do but not real bears. I started to laugh. "What's so funny?" Dul asked
"I googled do bears give hugs and it said yes only teddy bears but not real bears." With that said me Dul and Bee were all on the floor laughing. We were still laughing when Graser and Straub came in.
"Stacy you should be rolling around to much you just woke from you concussion." Graser said with a worried face.
"And Bee you should laugh so hard or roll around you might hurt the baby." Straub said looking at me and Dul as if we made her laugh.
Me and Bee looked at eachother then back at the boys and gave them a pouty face.
"We were only trying to have fun." I pouting.
"Yea." Be said and turned her head away.
Graser snickered while Straub just kept his worried face and muttered "whatever" and walked out the door.
"Would you like anything to drink?" Graser asked
"Yea sure... how about a grape soda." I said
"Ok and what about you Dul and bee what do you want." He asked politely
"Juice!" Dul said excitedly
"Hmm just water but I would like some Nutella." Bee said
"Ok so one grape soda on juice one water and one jar of nutella coming right up." Graser said the walked downstairs. A few minutes later graser comes back up with a grape soda, a juice, a glass of water, and a small jar of nutella.
"Here you girls go." Graser said while passing out our drinks. When he passed me he gave me a quick kiss on the forehead and left.

Ok I'm going to end it hear. Also let me know what you think of the new cover. :-)

Stay strong, you will make it


Also I'm going to start saying how many words each chapter is. This chapter has three hundred fifty five words.

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