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"Class dismiss" Aizawa announced as everybody started to gather their belongings. This week has been horrendous ,The Crime rate in Japan is rising causing Japan to go into a panic.

People didn't go to work, children didn't go to school , people didn't want to go shopping all because they fear the monster Y/N L/N.

Y/N L/N have showed her face plenty of times. She even goes out and go out in the open like normal people . But still nobody can seem to catch her.

There's been many reports of robbery's the past week ,as well as murder. Why is she doing this ? Why is she making them suffer?

"Hey Deku ,  Have you heard about the new Villan?" Uraraka asked walking beside him walking out the door.

"Y/N L/N ? Yeah she's trending on the internet right now. " Deku responded walking towards the lunch room.

"I wonder what she's going to do next,  she's unpredictable" Uraraka said

They walk over to the lunch line where Tsu , Iida , Todoroki was.

" Hey Midorya , Uraraka how are you ?" Iida said

"Hey , Iida we was just talking about the new villan that everyone seems to be so afraid of ,Y/N L/N" Uraraka said.

" Oh , I've heard of her , just the mention of her makes my dad angry. " Todoroki said being the next in line .

" Yeah , but she's just another villan that needs to be taking down. Nothing the Pros can't handle " Iida he said as he did his hand chop movement.

"I agree, but they can't seem to find her at all. She always out in the open but nobody can't seem to catch her hmm?" Uraraka said as she was now next up in line.

" I wouldn't worry so much , I know Endeavor can beat her , He's the number one hero after all" Tsu said as they all gotten their food walking over to their lunch table.

Ever since the news got out about this  Y/N , the UA Staff have been more strict on security. They don't know know what Y/N quirk is or if she even have a quirk.

She might not even be girl who knows , they don't so they have to be  conscious of their surroundings.


This is the second time this week I had to use my lunch break to talk about the madness and the panic that this 'Y/N' caused. This actually exhausting,  I can't get no sleep dammit. This girl is driving everyone crazy.

"Maybe she is apart of the LOV " Present Mic told the group of teachers.

" Maybe , but if that's the case why is she the only one acting and not the others.  I mean by now they would be showing signs of teamwork." Midnight said.

"I don't know but the crime rates are getting higher and higher,  more people are dying and getting hurt by the day. We need to think of something or whole country is going to panic." All might said as seriously as possible.

"I think it's safe to say we need to contact other heroes to come help investigate. We can't nor do we have the time to push this case aside." Principal Nezu said as he kept drinking his tea.

"Tomorrow after school we will meet back in here with the other pro heroes. " Principal Nezu tood everyone dismissing them to go to their classes.



I dragged my last victim of the night through the alleyway so no one will see me. It doesn't even matter they know what I look like. I just figure it would be faster if I wasn't out in the open. My goal right now is to get this
Corpse to my house.

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