tell me, nyx

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she has no heart to break

no brittle bones or soft, fallible organs

no wide eyes or winded brain

only iron and obsidian

glittering like a cosmic entity 

like space dust and stars

splashed out across a night sky

she has no feelings to hurt

no emotions to weaponize or moods to manipulate

no wobbling bottom lip or tear limned lash line

only a howling darkness

screaming silently through the emptiness

like a collapsing sun

pulling the worlds around it in in in

she has no humanity left to steal

no simpering mortality or inconvenient empathy

no willingness to watch or the kindness to care

so if you desire to catch her

to draw her in and hurt her

you will find how easily the knuckles can break

and how little a god cares

for your pleas

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