minimum wage

7 3 0

fuzzy eyes
muzzy mind
trying to figure out why everything hurts
all the goddamn time

hands once again broken out in hives
red and cracked and
dry dry dry

it burns and it burns
and fuck it hurts
and i can't figure out why

asleep on my feet
going through the routines
hands shaking
so pumped full of caffeine

smiling, always smiling
even as muscles scream
and the people on the other side of the glass
look at me like i'm a machine
always telling me what they want
not caring about what i need

aches that last for days
wearing fatigue on my face
and i know why it hurts
because they carved us spaces
from places meant for slaves

and nothing of that kind
will every be good for body
or for mind
but at least nowadays
i get paid
minimum wage

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