Chapter 6

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I seemed to have been left in daze, my eyes boring into the floor harshly. My mind had temporarily failed me, the intricate network of thoughts interruptingly silent. I didn't know how to treat this situation, and for once in the very few times in my life, I was at a loss. It scared me. 

"Pay attention." Someone nudged me, their foot rising to push against my shoulder. My eyes snapped up to the guard from where I knelt on the ground, slowly shifting to the scene in front of me. Roan was settled in a throne, his gaze intensely focused on me while he talked to an advisor by his side. After we had arrived here, we had briefly parted ways, someone else leading me up to the unnecessarily lavish throne hall. Being forced to kneel, as obviously I would never do so willingly, I was now at the mercy of every stranger in the room, their eyes insultingly judgmental. I fidgeted, my hands tingling from the rope still biting into my wrists in front of me. 

"And what should we do with her?" murmured the advisor to the King. He was a tall and skinny old man, his face and hair riddled with age and wisdom. His gaze on me was mixed with worry and concern, as if at any moment I'd try to fight. Roan gave a shrug in response, his piercing eyes so fiercely set on me it felt like he was searching into my mind. After a few moments, he gave a nonchalant sigh, standing and turning to the aged man. "Just find out why she's valuable. He wouldn't have tortured her without a good reason." Growing bored quickly, Roan left. He didn't even bother to spare me another glance as he passed by me, disappearing behind the heavy doors. 

Now without his intimidating presence, I felt a little less threatened. "If I may, I think that you're all very charming people," I boldly began, my words catching everyone off guard, "and because of that, I very much recommend letting me go for the sake of your lives." I feigned a confident and laid-back tone, looking up at the advisor. "Now, mind you that isn't a threat, but let it just be a warning. I am someone who my presence is very easily missed and now left with my absence, it will lead to inevitable conflict." My voice tried to make up for the lack of humility I had by left kneeling, my demeanor straightforward and strong.  

"And... who exactly are you, then?" Timidly asked the consultant, eyeing me wearily. I could tell that I was very untrusted, with the side glances towards me filled with distain. Say it be a bold uncalculated movement, I brought up one leg to the ground. Slowly rising from the floor, I now stood on my feet, my legs weak and sore underneath me. I shot him a challenging gaze, my expression not harsh, but firm. "I am the daughter of the King of Assassins." Venom laced my words. "Charisse Ghul. It's a pleasure to meet you." A smug and sickly-sweet smile pulled at my lips.

Roan- The King with an ice cold heart (rough draft)Where stories live. Discover now