Chapter 9

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There was no daylight that touched any corner of the prison- it didn't dare. I was left isolated in my cell for days, the only measurement of time being the painstaking counting I had held in my mind as the seconds ticked away. I was neglected by any other servant that passed by, not being offered anything even resembling food or water. To stave off the feeling of hollow hunger that haunted me, I drifted in and out of sleep, although it was difficult to feel comfortable in the physically awkward position I was left in. 

Under the mouthpiece I could feel my lips were dry and cracked, any extra moisture running off to reside in the damp moldiness of the prison. After falling into a light uncomfortable slumber I was awakened by someone unlocking my cell. I lifted my head from where it hung on my shoulders, almost unsure if I was imagining the sound. But surely, my senses did not yet fail me. A man of medium height with dark brown hair stepped inside my cell, behind him two guards. Without a word he unlocked my wrists and had the guards dragged me out. Although I had no clue if I was being escorted to my freedom or my doom, I complied silently, walking along best I could in my stiff state. We walked fairly far but I wasn't one to complain; the chance to stretch out my legs was one I wouldn't refuse. 

After a while the four of us arrived at a seemingly random door leading to what I could only assume to be a seemingly random room. Turning to leave, the dark haired man murmured to me unenthusiastically, "It's in your best interest to behave and not cause trouble." He unlocked the constricting mouthpiece, holding it in his hand. I didn't respond, watching him walk away before one guard opened the door and roughly pulled me in by my arms. 

Upon excepting something similar to that of a torture chamber, I was relieved to witness the room was that of a washroom. A guard slammed the door shut behind me, the two standing firmly in front of the door, blocking it. Steam rose from a porcelain tub in the corner, a small handful of women waiting next to it. 

I gave a small nod to them as a greeting, although I was clearly confused. "Um... Hello." I said, trying to form my thoughts into words. "I-... I'm sorry, I don't know what is going on?..." My voice was timid and slow as I spoke, looking back to the guards for any kind of information as to what was happening. 

Without notice a few women grabbed my arms gently and guided me near the tub, stripping me. "Whoa! Wait- hold on." I yelped in surprise, contorting my body out of their way. Neither of them spoke, only persisting in undressing me. Shortly after I let them, as the clearly meant no harm to me. I was led into the tub, the hot water was almost searing- it taking me a few moments to get used to it. Without missing a beat the women began to scrub and bathe me like there was no tomorrow, not uttering a word the whole time. It felt good to be able to relax after days of being stuck chained to a wall unable to move, but I felt rather uneasy. Why were they going through all this trouble? I was a prisoner, not a guest. 

After nearly two hours of being bathed, having my wounds tended to, my hair and makeup done, I was left standing in the middle of the room wearing only a navy blue silk robe, awkwardly watching the women work to find something appropriate for me to wear. I glanced at the guards by the door, the both of them clearly bored out of their minds at having been waiting for so long. After about ten minutes of the servants rummaging and matching up clothes, they dressed me skillfully in a pair of black undergarments underneath a floor length dark indigo dress. It was a beautiful and intricate dress, with designs and beads carefully sewn in along with an off-shoulder neckline. It was tightfitting for the most part, the end of the dress gradually becoming more loose and flowy. Since the lack of sleeves left my wrapped wounds bare, they fitted thick matching purple ribbon-like bands to each wrist in order to hide the evidence of my past restraints. After helping me step into some black dagger heels, one woman finished up the last details, combing through my long hair and letting it cascade down my back. 

Although all of this effort made me feel beautiful, I felt out of place. To be in an unfamiliar castle with unfamiliar people, wondering what could possibly be the motive behind all this made me anxious. I had to keep my guard up.

Roan- The King with an ice cold heart (rough draft)Where stories live. Discover now