Day 4

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By the time the sun turned the waves from inky purple to a bright crystal blue, Haiv was feeling much better. It was one of those days where the sky stretched on for ages with now clouds in any direction, making Haiv feel tiny and huge at the same time. The breeze played with his hair as he stepped out on deck, and Haiv was ready to start planning how to get his necklace back.

But first, chores.

He made it a whole five paces toward the tacking lines before he heard the whistling. He froze, pulse thumping. What idiot would be whistling on such a wonderful day as this? His eyes scanned the crewmembers frantically, until he saw Blondie with a pile of swords, happily whistling as he sharpened them.

Remembering the man standing up to Rodigan two days ago, Haiv supposed he couldn't hold the whistling against the man too much. But clearly someone needed to teach Blondie about the ways of the sea before he brought some leviathan upon them all.

When Haiv dashed over, Blondie stopped whistling—thank Aaru—and smiled in greeting, then his eyes widened. "What happened to your face?"

Haiv touched the mark. The skin was tender and definitely swollen. He probably had a black eye.

"The cap'n happened," Haiv scowled. But, determined not to ruin such a beautiful and opportune day, he quirked his eyebrows and studied this newest crew member. "You ain't never sailed before, have you?"

Blondie hunched his shoulders and got back to work. The long screech of steel cut through Blondie's next words. "What makes you say that?"

"Cuz it's either that or yer an idiot," Haiv said, snatching the grindstone away. "What were you thinking, whistling like that? And yer doin' this wrong. Here." Haiv picked out a sword and began smacking its edges in short diagonal strokes. "Much faster this way, and much sharper to boot."

Blondie raised a yellow eyebrow. "I see. You don't like whistling?"

Haiv scoffed. "'S bad luck."

"Really?" Blondie held out his hands to try Haiv's way of sharpening.

Haiv handed him the sword. "Sure as Aaru."

Blondie frowned at that.

"Look," Haiv said, patiently as he could manage, "just trust me. You don't wanna see what happens. Especially on such a lovely day as this."

Blondie nodded seriously, and something glinted in his right earlobe. It was an earring. Looked to be pure gold, and the design seemed mighty familiar. Haiv tapped his own ear which was ornamented with a very fake sparkling glass crystal.

"That's a pretty piece; I'll trade you." Haiv smirked exactly how he'd learned from Mits. "Mine's pure diamond."

"You don't say," Blondie said, fingering the gold stud. It had a pattern of 7 circles engraved on the surface. Where had Haiv seen that before?

Sadly, Blondie shook his head. "Sorry kid, this is sentimental. I'm afraid I can't part with it."

Haiv shrugged. "Ah well. Can't blame me for trying."

Blondie returned to his work. Casually, Haiv glanced over his shoulder where Tips was stumbling around some tacking lines looking slightly lost without a second man to help him. Haiv took a deliberate step closer to Blondie and picked up a sword. He started rubbing it along the leg of his trousers, trying to look busy.

"So, Blondie, how'd you get the cap'n to let you on anyway? Sounded like you struck a deal or somethin'."

Blondie eyed him, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Call me Spir, kid. We just set up a little trade, that's all. I have something he wants. Wanted to get rid of it anyway. Best bargain I ever made."

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