Kate, Ymir, and Annie

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Year 849

Age 14

(3rd person P.O.V)

It's no secret that Kate and Ymir don't exactly get along and cant agree on anything, not even the color of the sky. Not Y/n nor Christa could find the source of their hatred despite how much they searched. By all accounts they should be friends as they're basically carbon copies of the other. 

Y/n and Christa tried to learn to accept this feud and were wise enough to keep them as far away from each other as possible, but it didn't help that the two girls could hardly go a full day without actively trying to piss the other off.

Surprisingly the girls hadn't actually fought physically but not for lack of trying. Just the other week Ymir attempted to take her adversary's head off with a wooden musket during combat training. Kate reciprocated this by throwing a chair at her later that night, missing by two measly feet. 

The cafeteria became crowded come supper and unfortunately for Y/n and Christa that meant all four of them were to be seated close together.

With it brought a rough tension so tense you could slice it wide open with a knife. The girls sent many hatful scowls each other's way all the while Christa and Y/n hunched over quietly eating their food, praying with all their might that nothing would happen.

Ymir proved to be the first one to instigate when she opened her mouth to undoubtedly antagonize but fortunately Christa intercepted to buy them a few more seconds of unstable peace and hopefully keep them from an argument.  

"Why don't you two like each other?!" Christa demanded. "Would it kill you to say something nice to each other?!"

"Yes." The two girls simultaneously responded still staring with evil intent. Unable to see the similarities that their friends had often pointed out to them.

"See?! You two are like twins! Just one nice thing! Please!" Christa pleaded with the girls, looking towards Ymir with a soft doe eye expression that could get even the coldest hearts to cave.

"Yeah Kate!" Y/n added to Christa's proposition. "Do it! Come on! I know you're capable!" He likewise looked toward his counterpart with a similar expression.

"Fine." Kate broke. Complimenting Ymir wasn't going to be a highlight of her day but if it means this annoying guilt trip would end then what the hell. "I guess you snagged a cute little girlfriend. Bitch."

"You've got a nice ass. Y'know for being a whore and all that." Ymir's tone carried as much attitude as Kates. 

"Good enough for me!" Y/n offered another distraction. "I think we should continue this... separately." 

"I agree!" Christa's plan to distract them hadn't really done anything apart from make things worse. But she didn't have a plan B and something had to be done to escape this endless turmoil. She grabbed her tray and began walking away but as she walked by Kate, she got greeted by an unexpected surprise.

Kate wrapped her arm around the small girls waist and pulled her down onto her lap before anyone could do anything about it.

"You knoooow." Kate feigned curiosity and innocence. "I've always wondered why you spend so much time with her instead of spending time with a real girl."

Christa didn't know what to do. Her face had a light blush from the situation while she squirmed in vain in Kate's grasp. "Kate could y-you let go now please?"

Y/n saw the look on Ymir's face and knew that it's all over, something's about to happen. Ymir never particularly looked friendly especially towards Kate but this was on a whole new level. 

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