Suffer and burn

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Year 844

Age 9

You were walking through your farming village to get to the woods where you knew your uncle would be. The walk was like any other, you saw the people you always saw. Your neighbors who would always wave at you and you returned the favor, more shyly of course . The other boys your age who didn't want anything to do with you. You didn't like the boys around here anyway. They'd always find it funny to tease you for being small and when they overheard your sister calling you scarlet one time, they found that even more funny and relentlessly teased you about it and made fun of you. They found it less funny when one day you walked up to one of them without saying a word and punched him right across his chops for all the teasing you had to endure. You were pleasantly surprised that you didn't have to punch each person who teased you, most of them got the message after you punched the one. You knew a lot of the the boys still teased you behind your back but what were you going to do? If it didn't stop after that punch it wasn't going to stop at all so it was probably best to ignore it. However there was one boy in particular who always did it to your face and you saw him walking up to you, he would be hard to miss. It was Butch Aland. Butch was the son of the butcher, which you thought that's what he was named after. He was several years older then you, way bigger and doughy then you, his blue eyes always looked like he was up to something and he wore his white butcher apron that was covered in blood, but you always swore he goes out of his way to smear more blood on himself to make him seem more intimidating. As if on queue he got in your way.

Butch: "Hey there pip squeak." He said in his regular voice that was surprisingly deep for his age.

Y/n: "Hey butch." you said while trying walk around the butchers son.

Butch: "Ah ah ah!" He tutted getting in your way again. "Where do you think you're going scarlet?" He asked mockingly.

Y/n: "My uncle and I are going to get firewood." You said honestly and a little annoyed he was calling you scarlet. "And my names (Y/n)."

Butch: "You think I don't know that stupid scarlet?!" He laughed while pushing you a little "So you're going to chop wood with that washed up stupid old ma-"

He was interrupted by you reaching up and punching him across his face. 

This wasn't the first time you had done this to Butch. You hit hard, at least surprisingly hard for a nine year old as you've been told. Butch however was at least 3 times your size by your estimate. He was older and you were nine. You could easily just run away with him but no, that wasn't how you were raised. How could you live with yourself if you were a coward? You're father only told you to run if someone had a weapon and you didn't. Nothing less. 

You didn't know if it was the weight difference, height, or age but your punches never had a big effect on Butch and every altercation with him almost always ended like this...

Butch: "You little shit." Butch said clearly pissed off as he pushed you into the dirt. 

You landed with a thud and Butch waisted no time in kicking your stomach repeatedly. You groaned out in pain with every kick that landed. Some people saw but no one helped. They just went about their business, cause most people didn't want to stand up to him or they thought it would be better for you to fight your own battle. 

Butch: "Not so tough now!" He bellowed out. "Beg!" He shouted while continuing to kick you.

You covered up best you can but his kicks were far to strong.

Y/n: "Butch!" You managed to yell in between his painful kicks.

His kicks stopped for a moment.

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