Chapter 1: The Living Dead

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""Dad do I seriously have to go with you. I have school. I need to keep my grades up. Right now I'm pretty sure I'm failing English. So why don't you just bring me some other day?"

I was hoping with everything that was in me that I didn't have to go with him to that boring meeting. His work place could make a cemetery seem more exciting. I mean seriously there was no color in that place. The walls were a dull grey. The carpet was an off white grey. The computers were dare I say it...grey. Do I need to go on or are you starting to get the picture.

"Alex this is punishment for what you did to my hair. Why are you worried about school now? Yesterday you were trying to make me believe you were dying from eating cold pizza. You are also not failing any of your classes. In fact last I checked you were one of the top performing students in your school."

Yeah I know, you can't die from eating cold pizza but my stomach really did hurt after that. I really didn't want to attend that stupid assembly the school holds almost every month. Really? Who wants to sit through an hour lecture about the performance of the students. We already know how we're doing there is no need to dedicate a whole hour discussing it.

"Dad. Are you ever going to stop bringing the cold pizza incident up? And it happened last month, not yesterday."

"Is that all you got out of that?" He asked me with a blank stare.

"Yes." I replied in a bored tone.

The car finally stopped in the front of a very large office building. My dad thanked Harry our chauffeur and got out of the car. He moved aside so I could get out while he straightened out his suit. I didn't really think about my clothing choice so I was wearing black converse, dark blue skinny jeans, a mint green Cami, to match my eyes, along with a black hoodie, and my chocolate brown hair was pulled into a messy pony tail. I would've done something else with my hair but it was unbrushable.

Henry assisted me in getting out of the car. I fixed the wrinkles the car ride had inflicted on my clothes. I stood up straight to take in my surroundings. The building looked even bigger when you were standing in front of it. I turned to Henry to give him my farewell.

"Henry I am telling you my last good-bye. I don't think I will be coming out of this building alive. I will probably die in there. Be sure to tell Seth I said bye. Don't forget to say bye to Toby for me. Make sure Linda gives him his favorite doggy treats and -"

I wasn't able to finish my last requests because my dad interrupted me.

"Belle stop being over-dramatic. You will not die in there. Hopefully. Stop the unnecessary babbling and hurry up we are going to be late!"

I turn to my dad with a childish grin on my face and mock saluted him."Yes sir."

I turn back to Henry and he gives me a nod with some not so helpful advice. "Good luck Miss Dellaray."

Did he seriously just call me 'Miss Dellaray'? The man is like my grand-dad he should not be calling me Miss. I hate when the employees call me 'Miss Dellaray'. Alex would be just fine. They are like family to me.

I follow my dad into the lifeless building, I slowly start to realize I may have been a little too under dressed for the office. But hey, my attire would bring a little life in this place. We walk up to the lobby's front desk where my dad greets the secretary to inform her of his arrival. He then turns to me with a frustrated expression.

"Alex I want you to wait in here with Linda until I send for you. Do not touch anything. I am giving you a warning. If I hear you have caused anyone trouble -"

"Dad I'm 17 not 5. I will be fine." I reply in an easy tone.

"Well little Missy maybe if you started to act more responsible you wouldn't be here." He responds in a scolding manner.

"Dad. I pulled a prank on you. I didn't go out drinking and partying." Geez! the guy was acting as if I drove his expensive Porche into the garage door. Although I wouldn't blame him if he did because I have actually done that. That was a prank gone wrong. I don't think I'm a bad kid I just really love adventure.

"Alex. Im warning you. DO. NOT. TOUCH. ANYTHING." His face contorted in a manner showing how serious he was. His eyes warning me that I was not to question or disobey his orders.

"Okay, I won't." I slowly nodded not wanting to set him off.

"Good. I will see you later. Behave."

Then he turned and walked away down a long hall probably heading toward an elevator seeing as his meeting was on the fifth floor.

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