chapter 2: Hot guys say what?

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5 minutes later.....

The lobby chairs were starting to get quite uncomfortable. My antsy behavior was starting to get the attention of Linda the secretary. She would occasionally glance in my direction 'discreetly' checking on me.

     She wasn't being discreet enough if I could tell she was looking at me. I think she was fearful of what I would do if I got bored. My dad must've warned her. It's not like I'm going to pull anything here. These people are genius and I'm pretty sure some of them are already suspicious of me . Somebody would definitely notice if I were to do anything.

    If that wasn't enough everyone who walked in the lobby gave me condescending looks. I mean, really? Have they not seen a teenager in casual clothes. It's not like they know who I up. I don't blame them. I'm not one for bragging but if they knew I was their bosses daughter they would probably cease there belittling behavior.

A girl my age walked in the lobby giving me a grimace, while her attire consisted of a sleeveless shirt with short shorts. After that look I had, had enough. I walked up to the front desk to politely ask Linda a question.

"Linda, my dad said I could use the restroom right? I really need to go, it's an emergency." It wasn't really an emergency but I really needed to get away from these snobs.

"He sure did honey. Do you know where it is?" She answered with a kind smile, her eyes revealing distrust.

"" This is the first time I have ever been in this building did the lady seriously think I knew where the restrooms were?

'Its' down that long hall your father walked down. Do you know which one I'm talking about? Once your down that hallway you will enter the fifth door on your right. Got it?" She asked with a questioning smile.

The directions she gave me didn't sound too complicated.

"Yuuup. got it."

With that said i darted down the hallway counting five doors. The hall was symmetrical so there was an equal amount of doors on each side.

But, did Linda say right or left? Hmm. Well only one way to find out.

I place myself in the center of the three halls and put my left hand over my eyes and my right hand outstretched and pointing away from me. I spin in a circle while counting to five. At five I freeze and uncover my eyes with my hand still out stretched. I go down the mysterious hall only to find more doors.

Oh the fun I am having. Note the sarcasm. I'm outside the third door on the right when I hear people talking specifically guys. so me and my naturally curious self step closer to the door to hear a little better.

" Did you hear about Mr. Dellarays daughter coming today. I heard she's hot!" said manly voice number one.

"I know I heard she was fiiiiine!" said manly voice number two.

"Uhm you basically just said the same as thing as Blake, River. You just used a synonym." Said a strangely familiar voice.

" Bro I know right. Remind me again why we don't hang out at school together?" asks voice one. Which I'm guessing is Blake.

"Because you decided I was not cool enough. which 'reminds me. We're done here. So turn around and finish your lab report." said voice two. Which means he must be River.

"Aren't you the least bit interested in what she looks like. I mean we have been apart of this industry since we were like five don't you think we would have seen her by now?" asks Blake.

Man who ever this Blake guy is he sure asks a lot of questions.

"Well maybe her dad is overprotective and overbearing and doesn't want her to take over when he retires. this job is pretty dangerous." says River.

What my Dad has bee asking me for the past month if I have ever thought about helping him out that was definitely. So that is not it. I don't go with my dad to work because his colleagues are boring.

Ugh! I've heard enough I'm just gonna walk in there and let them have a piece of my mind. I grab the handle and slam the door open and stride into the room.

"What gives you guys the right to ju-"

My voice dies in my throat for two reason. One I was eavesdropping so I can't correct them for something I wasn't suppose to hear and two, the two guys in front of my were extremely gorgeous.

" Are you just going to stand there or are you going to tell us why you just burst into our office?" Asks the person which I am assuming is River.

His brow raised in question. while he leaned back in his chair arms crossed. my eyes cautiously scanned him he was wearing black jeans a rob zombie band tee with a studded bracelet. his hair was in a neat short Mohawk with blue tips. I stop evaluating him to take in his forest green eyes that are calculating my every move.

"Bro, what is wrong with you. You aren't suppose to be rude to pretty ladies!" Says the guy who I am also assuming is Blake. I look over at him and notice he looks like your average golden boy. Shaggy sandy brown hair,and crystal blue eyes, wearing blue jeans and a white v neck.

There never ending bickering is really getting on my nerve. This needs to stop.

"Well when you guys are done flirting can we introduce ourselves? Or should I just call you golden boy and Mohawk??" I ask while casually pointing at them with a bored expression on my face.

"Geez. Rude much." River mumbles.

"Uh....Oh yeah! Sorry." replies Blake.

"Dude don't apologize to her." Says River in an exasperated tone. " She should learn who she's talking to!"

Excuse me what did he just say. Learn who he is. Maybe he should learn who I am.

" Excuse me, Addams family wanna be, but do you even know who i am?!"

"It's called style loser you might wanna get one." He replies in a snarky tone.

"You wanna give me some tips so I know what not to do?" This boy is something else if he thinks he can talk to me like that.

"Oh you littlle-" He was unable to reply because Blake had clamped a hand over Mohawk boys mouth.

"Yo Seth a little help over here Bro?" Blake called to a person over his shoulder.

Seth? Haha. My best friends name is Seth. A guy comes out from behind the computer in the corner of the room. Surprisingly he is cuter than the other two guys.  As he starts to come closer I notice his necklace that has my name on it. I remember giving one similar to that to Seth. But this can't be my Seth. My Seth dresses like a nerd and doesn't have that confident aura around him. I start to actually look at the Seth guy and I realize.


The room becomes filled with awkward silence as the three guys stare at me shell shocked. Blake's eyes go from me to Seth in an attempt to figure out whats going on. As I started coming out of my revelation I realized I had spoken my thoughts out loud. Crap.

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