Chapter 5: "Best Friend or nah?"

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Sorry for the long wait guys I know it's been forever since I updated a chapter. Life has been pretty crazy, I don't know if you care or not but for those of you who take interest in other's lives I have posted what has happened to me since the last time I updated. Again sorry about such a long wait I'll try to keep up with it from now on but no promises. Anyways Enjoy.

Today is the day I move into Ajnin. It's totally going to suck, at least the previous school I was attending I was allowed to leave and you know....go home. Well at this school they have two types of programs, a student can attend classes and go home or they can attend classes and live here. Living here, on campus, yes otherwise known as boarding school. My lovely father, CEO of this damned place, indeed picked boarding school because I'm on "punishment". I bet he just sent me away because he just wanted the house to himself. That is so lame. I mean if he wanted alone time he could have sent me to Hawaii for a couple months right?

Looking at the steps of the building I can only think of one thing. HOW THE FUDGE AM I GONNA GET THREE SUIT CASES UP THESE FREAKIN STAIRS! For the love of cheese nachos the stairs go on forever. Its like I'm on my way to court or something. City Hall called they want their stairs back.

"Ahem. Er need some help with that?..."

"Agh!!!!! Holy cheese crisps!" Who in there right mind sneaks up on a person like that? Seriously though I got a little whip lash from how fast I turned. Golden Boy or my bad Blake is standing behind me on the curb of the sidewalk. He's kind of teetering there, I am pushing down the strong urge to push him. But that could lead to him falling in the street possibly leading to injury or worse his death. Is it worth it? Hmmm.

"I would very much appreciate if you didn't push me into the street. I'll move over here to remove temptation. But on the real do you need help?"


"What are you doing now? I can't read your mind. No need to panic. You just keep talking out loud I don't now if I should laugh or be concerned."

"Oh thank gosh I thought I was losing it. But other than you scaring me some help would be great. I'm not Rocky." Seriously glad he can't read my mind though.

"Yeah sure no problem you get that one and I'll get these two." He grabbed both suit cases and started heading up the stairs.

"Hey what the heck you think just cause I'm a girl I can't pick up the big ones!?" Now I said this with my angry irritated voice but honestly I'm just joking.

"What of course not but you needed help so I just grabbed the ones closest to me and..." Haha aw I feel bad now.

"Blake chill. They are all the same size. Gotcha!"

"Ugh I knew it but you seemed so genuinely upset I didn't want to make you more upset."

"Haha okay well now that it was established that I was just kidding lets get a move on before we are late for dinner."

"But it's Ten o'clock in the morning."

"Exactly have you not seen the stairs. We talked about this already."

We finally made it to the top and I stopped to take a breather when I noticed someone getting out of a familiar car. He has arrived.

"Hey Blake is that okay if we wait for Seth up here?"

Seth is looking down at his phone texting someone, He hasn't looked up yet so he doesn't notice Blake and I waiting at the top of the steps. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I look and it's a text from Seth.

Alex it's your first day of Ajnin. You excited?

I haven't seen talked texted nor called him since the day I found out he had changed and all. I didn't reply either since he was almost in front on me.

"SETH!" Muahahaha I feel so evil sometimes. I watched as he dropped his phone and stumbled backwards a bit.

"Alex why do you always have to do that to me geez can you ever greet me like a normal person?"

"No. The title of Best Friend comes with.....adventure?"

"You say this every time."

"Well I mean it every time. Hey you still have some explanin to do." He better not think I forgot about that.

"Chill Alex I haven't forgot, its not like I haven't been trying too but someone disappeared from everything." Oooo yeah he's right I haven't answered him actually I haven't answered anyone all the technology in my house got fried a couple days ago. It stressed my dad out big time. He said it was like a massive virus came into the house and destroyed all things internet wifi and electricity.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Mar 21, 2016 ⏰

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