Chapter 4: So It Begins

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No Freaking way. Did my Dad just say what I think He said. I am going to be starting classes here. Grrrr. I don't wanna sound like a spoiled brat but, this is so unfair. Sure I pulled pranks, but no one got permanently injured. 

"Dad there has to be another punishment. I can't do this. These people have been trained since they were babies to do these classes. How am I suppose to even compete with them. This punishment feels like it should be against the law. Especially because I wouldn't have the slightest clue what I am doing!" I won't like I completely just ranted on my Dad. Can you blame me though these children, teenagers, adults. They have al been trained since birth to be a part of this industry. Me well I am me with little to no experience. 

"Alex Dellaray. You take that back young lady! You wouldn't have the slightest idea what you are doing? This coming from the same girl who has won medals in lets count off shall we..." He paused to get up stand in front of me kneeling down so we were eye level to each other.

"Let's start. Track, Taekwondo, Karate, Gymnastics, Soccer, Girlscouts, Newspaper Club, Photography Club, Cross Country, Basketball, Volleyball, Cheer granted you did get kicked off for gluing all the pom poms to your teammates hands, Alex do I need to continue or do you get the point. Not only do you participate in all the above activities and more you excell in all your classes. You more than qualify to take courses here. Have you forgot I am the CEO. I wouldn't have left my own child out of my endeavors. I was a spy your mother was a spy so of course I would make sure you had some kind of skill. Also your pranking ability will come in quite handy on the field. It is time to use your abilities for good instead of terrorizing your old man and the people around you." 

I watched as he got up and sat back in his chair studying me with a gaze I couldn't read.

"Alex this is a punishment. You can look at it that way or you can look at it as a way of harnessing your abilities to  become something great. Either way you start classes Monday. Today is Thursday. Seeing as you will be dorming here. You should head home and start packing everything you'll need here. I'll be home after the meeting is finished."

He got up and left the room but not without giving me one last look of disappointment.

-Mr. Dellaray's POV-

Oh my dear Alex. I love you sweety.

I left the room in disappointment. Not Disappointment in her but in myself. I should have just trained her here from the very beginning. Well I have been discreetly training her without her catching it. But now her life is in more danger then ever so I have no choice but to put her here and place her in classes. She should do fantastic though my baby is the fastest and smartest of all of them. Heck I have been training her since birth she just doesn't realize it and she never will. She was suppose to be and still is my secret weapon. The only person in this world I am willing to trust. She just needs to trust in herself. 

This is suppose to be her "punishment" but it was really the only way I could think of to get her to even take classes here. She doesn't want anything to do with this industry so I had to find a different way and basically force her. Oh my sweetness I will love you always I just hope you look back on this one day and don't hate me.

I finally made it to the meeting room to see everyone practically falling asleep until i wake them up with my entrance.

"Okay everyone now that, that is settled where were  we?"

Uh, Revenge?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt