Chapter 2

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I didn't pack anything yesterday, I just read. My dream of not having a boring life came true, transfer student to my Uncle's school. I just started my junior year here in Texas, now going to my Uncle's school in Europe. I am excited, scared and I know I'm going to miss home deeply.

The door to the principal's office opens. My turn to talk to him. I go in and sit in front of his desk looking at him. My hands are sweating like a pig. "Hello Mr. Garcis. I just wanted to tell you I'm transferring to another school and that I need all my records."

"Yes of course. I talked to your Uncle. Elk Creek Academy is a very good school. Going there ensures you will go to a good college. Maybe Harvard?" He asks rummaging in his desk.

"Maybe." I mumble. I don't know what college I'm gonna go to!

"Here you go." he says, handing me the papers. "Be sure to tell your teachers to please!"

"I will thank you, sir!" I say taking the papers, making the papers wrinkle with the sweat on my hands.

"You welcome! Have a great day, Scarlett!"

"You too!" I said and quickly walked out of the office. That was really awkward. I did not know what to do. I was really nervous.

I get home and pack all my toiletries, some books, phone and laptop charger, a family photo and pencils. I always need pencils. I was nervous about forgetting something I will need. I grab a flashlight and stuff it into my back.

I walk out my room and face Rick, "I'm ready I think."

"Good, come on. Oh and by the way there's no internet at the school." I felt my eyes going wide. What?

I gathered myself and followed my Uncle to the car to take us to the airport. I sat in the passenger seat asking questions. "Why is there no internet and where is this school in Europe?"

"It is a castle that I turned into a school in Ireland/UK. It is very hard to put wifi in the castle. Trust me I tried. I bought it and started a business, I always wanted a castle."

"Ireland and the UK are separate countries."

"Yes! You are very smart."

"Thanks. But that doesn't make sense why is the castle located?"

He ignored me and never answered me ever. We got on a private "school" plane and headed to Ireland/UK, whatever that means. I just read on the plane and slept.


Once we landed on the ground, a clearing in a forest. I am very amazed, I am from a desert place that is very hot in the summer and mood in spring. It's also always brown and dusty. Here it's green and wet. I already love it.

"Come on Scarlett, the staff got your bag. This is the school we have training areas outside and inside. A library, lots of classrooms, one room with all girls, another with all guys and then there are rooms for staff. I will get someone to give you a tour of the school."

"Ok," was all that came out of my mouth. I am astonished at what I am looking at. I've been to Italy before but it was nothing like this!

He started walking toward the castle and I followed. We went inside and he told me to wait in a room with couches, it was a big room. I was alone in this room, just looking at the room. It was like a modern room but fancy.

"You enjoy the great room?" I jumped. I looked at the door to my left where I came in. There was a boy there. The boy had dark hair with curls, his skin was dark, like olive skin. It clicked that he's italian, if english is his second language then he's good at speaking english. I didn't even hear an italian accent.

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