Chapter 3

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I had my eyes closed, trying hard not to open them. I heard music. I opened my eyes. The lights were on, girls waking up and getting out of bed. The music kept going. "For some reason I can't explain, Once you go there was never..." I know these lyrics. The song that's playing is "Coldplay" by Viva La Vida. Why are they playing this music to wake us up? The musiced worked, I can't go to sleep while this music is playing, its loud, too.

"Come on, get up!" Luna said to me when she came into the room after brushing her teeth in the bathroom. "Different zongs come on for fifteen minutes zen sdop to vake us ip und to have music vile getting dressed." She went to a dresser and pulled out black leggings, a black tank top, and a black jacket. She came and threw them at me. "Were that! It's our school uniform."

I got out of bed, went in the bathroom and got dressed. I am very grateful to be wearing leggings. I hate jeans. Jeans are not comfortable for me. Once I was done in the bathroom, Danielle waved me over to her bed. I went over. "Cahn I do your hair? I do Lunah's and Eleanor's ahlmahst everyday." I nodded. "Seet right here."

She put her fingers in my hair and started pulling and moving my hair. She was going quick too. "I ahm doing a multi- strahnd french braid ahnd bun. Eet's my fahvahrite to do."

Once she finished I thanked her and went to look in the mirror. It was pulchritudinous. I saw Luna in the corner of my eye."What time is it Luna?"

"6 A.M."

"What? Is this military school or hogwarts. Imma be happy if it's hogwarts."

"What's hogwarts?" Luna said. I replied by saying a school in a book. I didn't know what to say. I turned and looked at her. I noticed that her uniform had some color and mine was solid black. "Why do you have a grey strip on your jacket, shoes and leggings?"

Another girl answered behind me, Zoe I think. "We all have different colors, to tell whose stuff is who's. You will see when you get your color soon. The color is based on yourself." I looked at her color yellow. Is she happy, kid and helpful? I nodded. Another thing that is weird here.

"Scarlett, come ve have preaketfast zen clazes. Arh! All chuniors have zee same schedule und zo on." You could really hear her German accent in that sentence.

We went downstairs to the dining room. Everyone is wearing the same thing but with different colors. I sat where I was last time. I plate filled waiting there. The boys were there already eating. "Good morning! What do you do think of this place Scarlett?" Anthony said.

"It's like hogwarts. It's also a weird school. What school has a plane?" I said eating a big bit of my food. I looked around the room everyone was eating. Everyone is here except a senior and Danielle. Why isn't Danielle here? She was dressed when she did my hair.

"Most indeed. Your hair looks better than yesterday. Did your fairy Godmother come and help you?" I choked on my food. I coughed for nearly five minutes trying to get the food down while doing so.

"Sdop Tony!" Luna practically yelled. I looked at Anthony for what he was going to reply. He's being rude today. What's his problem?

"What happened to your English? Did it run away from you?"

"Yez it did! Come on Scarlett." She got up and left, I did the same. I wanted to go back, get my cup and dump it on him. I never eat breakfast, therefore I'm not mad that I didn't finish eating. We walked to a room and went inside and sat down.

"Do you know why he's being mean today? And why are you having trouble today pronouncing English is?"

"Ve get dreams of vy ve vere zent here. More sdories are crasier zan ozers. Vu'll haffve to write it in ein book zey vill give vu. It has all our sdories of vy ve're zent here. Hoveffer vu need to learn vat zee curriculum." Luna looks at the board in the front of the room and I did the same when she was done speaking.

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