Dream 6

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Saturday 11, 2021

Ok so technically I don't simp for this man...but apparently I do in this dream. So my cousins, (a 16 year old boy named Conner and a 12 or 13 year old girl named Emma) my Aunt and uncle, and my family (consisting of me, my mom, my dad, and my sis) were going on a vacation to Florida. But my family was not informed that Emma and Conner were bringing their friends. So the friend that Conner brought was mini Aizawa..aka Shinsou, and the friend Emma brought was a  B I T C H named Elizabeth. So we got there and my parents and my aunt and uncle got separate rooms and the kids slept in the living room on couches.

So it was late and everyone was asleep...or so I thought. Shinsou got up from his sleeping bag and started walking to a separate room.
I whispered "Hey, where you goin?"
"I just need some air"
"alright...can I use your laptop please?" He nodded and I said "Hey, are you gonna come back soon?" He shrugged and kept walking. I opened the computer to be met with waifus. I then started to try to muffle my screeches with my pillow. I felt my eyelids shut slowly then open when I hear muffled footsteps on the white carpet. I acted asleep. But then I felt someone's head nuzzling into the crook of my neck and their arms hugging my waist (basically spooning). After a while I was still laying there stunned at what happened but then I felt his heartbeat become slower and his voice making tiny little snores with each exhale he made. I squirmed around a little to make myself more comfortable and then sank into the heat that was radiating off of his body and fell asleep to his soft snores. Now this DEFINITELY isn't the end of my dream but after this scene he randomly disappeared and after that, my dream was mixed up with high unicyclists, me getting electrocuted by an outlet in the pool, EliZaBEtH THREATENING MEEE, crying because I got electrocuted in the pool while riding a unicycle (...yeah idk what the big deal was about unicycles), and...a LOT more...but you read this for the spice🤏😎

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