Dream 5

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Tuesday 23, 2021

Ok so I had this quick dream of me going back to My old school but we had little houses (kinda like dorms) and Todoroki and Dabi were there (Dabi had his bacon face except for his under eye bags) and we got settled into our separate houses (Dabi was 15 and Todoroki was 14) and when it was class time I sat next to Todoroki and we became friends and then he whispered in my ear "I have a crush on Grace" (random character from my brain) and I whispered "YASS U GO MAN" and he blushed. Ok so after class me Grace and some other girls from our class went into the woods and we found a cat and I was like "AWW" and tried to pet it but then Grace said "NO!...let me do it" she then slowly walked toward the small grey cat with a smirk on her face. She then swooped her hand under the cat and grabbed it's right back leg and swung it in a circular motion (think of a mother holding her child's hands and swinging her in a circular motion...only this was a cat...and it was his back leg) I immediately stopped her and she said "why...I mean look at him...he's just waiting to get ripped apart" I then grabbed the cat and ran away from her to protect the innocent cat....Ok so In this story Todoroki is a swimmer 💀✋ anyway so I was planning on telling him that his crush is a cat killing psychopath but he invited me to his swimming tournament and I didn't want to ruin his thoughts and stuff. I sat with the Todoroki parents (Endeavor wasn't the dad btw and they were a happy family)
(ok so In this story the swimmers don't wear speedos and stuff they wear things that ice skaters would wear...but of course waterproof. And in this story he was wearing a light purple an white swimsuits hat had glittering butterflies on it.(..it was actually beautiful) When he got his swimming cap and googles on he gave me a excited little wave with a smile and I stood up and yelled "YASSS GO TODOROKI BEAT THEIR ASSESSS" he then looked away pretending that he doesn't know me and I laughed. When it was over he ended up winning and I ran to him screaming while people were yelling at me not to run near the pool, but ofc I didnt listen. And when I got near to him...I slipped and we both fell like dominoes. We laughed and got up and I congratulated him.

So the Todoroki's hosted a somewhat of a movie night at Shouto's house(I forget Is it Shoto or Shouto...I guess we'll neva know) (OH AND BTW DABI ISNT RELATED TO THE TODOROKI'S IN THIS STORY) all our classmates were there, but  for some reason  Shoto didn't join us. So Dabi sat next to me and introduced himself and we made small talk while watching Tom and Jerry (yes that is what we were watching...good choice Becca good choice😌💅) after everyone left, I was still there (the movie was set up in Todoroki's parents room since they are rich they wanted to stay with their child) I still sat there watching the Tv not noticing that everyone left. the Todoroki's were going to go to bed util they saw me still sitting there attentively watch the screen.
Mr. Todoroki said "There's our birth control" Mrs. Todoroki elbowed her husband and said "Becca! It's nice to see you agian! Oh and don't listen to this grump you are always welcome here!" And I said "Oh no no no my apologies I was so focused on the Tv that I hadn't realized that everyone left...haha. Anyway, I should go, but it was nice seeing you guys!" Just then Todoroki saw me and grabbed my arm and pulled me into his room and said "BECCA THANK GOD! My parents have been all lovey dovey and I DO NOT want to know what happens tonight, so I need a distraction" and I said "haha well I do have a distraction for u...but you won't be happy with it" he then got into a comfortable position and then motioned for me to spill it. I then told him about his cat killing psychopath crush and he sighed and said "eh it's fine I wasn't really connected to her and plus I felt something was a little off with her" I was in awe at his reaction and hugged him. He then said "Becca you don't have to do this I'm genuinely fine" I said "I know you are...you just looked like you needed one...also...I'm proud of you for kicking their asses today man!" He then chuckled and hugged me tighter. We ended up watching Attack on Titan for a couple more hours until he fell asleep with a curnel of popcorn right in between his circle looking mouth while he slowly breathed in and out. I then cleaned up the popcorn mess we made and put a blanket on him and whispered good night and hopped out of the window and went back to my empty house. I woke up and Todoroki told me that he will drive me to school (since his parents are rich they somehow bribed them to let him drive at the early age of 14) he then picked me up in a rusty white truck. I asked him why he had gotten a old truck instead of a Ferrari and he simply stated that this truck looked like he needed a home.(OMG NOW IM IMAGINING COUNTRY BOY TODOROKI....TRUMP SUPPORTER TODOROKI....RACIST TODOROKI....'WOMEN BELONG IN THE KITCHEN' TODOROKI) I then tried to put on the song 'Wap' but he turned it off saying that the song is "too inappropriate." We went to class and as Todoroki was going to sit next to me, Dabi swiftly took the boys seat and looked at me and said "hey" and I said "um hey?" He then started messing around such as: twisting strands of my hair around his pencil, humming loudly while drumming the beat onto his desk with his pencil, taking my stuff and using them, trying to talk to me while I was ignoring him...pretty much your classic 6th grade boy...only that this was 8th grade. When I had enough I told him to stop, but he never did, luckily Todoroki was there to my rescue and saved me from the annoying older teenager. And then I woke up...anyway I really enjoyed having this dream.

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