Day 1

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April 13, 2021

Today was the first day of track conditioning. Next week, the REAL practice starts. Let me tell you about it.

So, when getting ready, I put on workout shorts, a workout shirt, and some knee sleeves. To protect my knees, my mom insisted on having them. Then, I put on my track spikes. I didn't bring any water, I just brought a bag, my phone, a mask, and left the house.

Yeah, I should've brought water. Doing laps around the football field really takes it out of ya. And once I got to practice, the first thing I was told was that you don't wear track spikes for practice. Those are only for the actual races. My feet were dying the entire time.

So once I got there, I had to do 1 lap around the football field. Once I was done, we waited for everyone else to get done and lined up on the field and did warmups. From what I remember, it was:

High knees

Glute Kicks

The football side running thing



And something else, I forgot what it was called.

After that, we had to do stretches, and then after that, we had to run the football field. Let me explain.

Let's take this football field, for example

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Let's take this football field, for example. The one at my school doesn't actually look THAT good, it's just grass and some worn out dirt as a track field. But for the sake of this entry, let us just pretend.

See those straight sides? We had to sprint all the way down those. And then the parts where it curves, we had to walk or jog. When I got to the curves, it was no problem. At first, sprinting wasn't that hard either. But after a while, they became harder to do. Because I was running short on energy.

By the time I was done with the running part, my feet were dead. They hurt. Not right now, but it sure did feel like it then. And my throat was as dry as the Sahara Desert. I should've brought my water.

Tomorrow, we have to go back for more practice. Hopefully, more people show up. Because only 9 people showed up, and I thought that was the actual team. Just imagine, us going to a track meet, and the other team has 20 people while we have 9. Holy shit, no.

As of right now, the first track meet is April 26th. Do I think we will beat the other school? Fuck no, we were a mess today. We barely even knew what we were supposed to be doing. Maybe we will improve by the 26th, but I just can't see us winning right now.

Anyway, I will tell y'all how tomorrow goes. Wish me luck!

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