Day 20

13 0 0

May 18, 2021

Sooooooo, remember when I said last Thursday was our last practice? Weeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllll....

SIKE! We had another practice today! But I promise, THIS one will be the last. We couldn't have our meet yesterday because it was raining. And I mean it was POURING. It was hailing, and I got 3 alerts from the National Weather Service in 30 minutes all saying it was life threatening.

Dude... this is Colorado. We don't live on the coast, we live smack in the middle of the United States! The rain won't be as bad as it would be on the coast. Calm the fuck down. So anyway, let me just detail today's practice.

Since the track was muddy, we had to practice inside. Once I got there, I was waiting for a solid 10 minutes. I had to call my friend, who answered on there smart watch, during the middle of stretches, basically telling them to get someone to open the door.

And my friend ended up asnwering the door herself. I owe her one. How do I know they were doing stretches? Because while we were on call, I heard "8, 9, 10..." and we only count when we are doing stretches. 

So once I finally got in the building, we continued stretching. And we didn't do each stretch for just 10 seconds. They decided to bump those numbers up to 15 for whatever reason. Once we were done with stretches, we had to run laps around the school. Not 3 laps, but 4 laps.

And while we were running, one of my friends, was demanding a piggy back ride. I told her no, and then she ended up chasing me. The entire time, I was all like "YOU AIN'T GETTING NO PIGGY BACK RIDE FROM ME!" and she was all like "YOU WILL BE GIVING ME A PIGGY BACK RIDE ONE WAY OR ANOTHER!"

Once we were done with that, we had to practice relays. During relays, we asked to be put in the girl's gym because:

1. The lights ain't on in there

2. The boys were so fucking loud.

And because we messed up the order and our handoffs were dissapointing, we had to walk down the hall and practice our handoffs. Here's how we did that.

Girl 1 passes the baton to Girl 2

Girl 2 passes the baton to Me

I pass the baton to Girl 4

Girl 4 drops the baton onto the floor

Girl 1 has to pick it up as she walks by

And repeat. Girl 2 decided that it would be a good idea to slap the baton onto my hand extra hard, and Girl 4 was getting more aggressive with dropping the baton onto the floor. On the last one, Girl 4 basically ended up smashing that baton onto the floor.

After we were done practicing slapping the baton into other people's hands, we all had to break it down. Which basically means to do the "CYLONES ON 3" thing. The first attempt was a mess, it went something like this:

1/3 of the team: Cyclones on 3!

Another 1/3 of the team: 3, 2, 1

The last 1/3 of the team: 1, 2, 3

The entire team 5 seconds later: *Waving our hands in the air* Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah!

The second attempt was amazing though. We basically all went "CYCLONES ON THREE! ONE, TWO, THREE! CYCLONES! YOU KNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!" It was the most beautiful yelling to ever grace my ears.

And while I was walking back to my car, my friend was all like "GIMME THAT PIGGY BACK RIDE" and I started running saying "no, No, NO, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Speeding up with each time I said no.

Once I got into my car, my friend was saying "You got away this time" while doing that thing where they point at their own eyes and then point at yours. You know:

That thing

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That thing. All I know is that:

1. We just have to try our best tomorrow

2. I ain't leaving that meet without giving someone a piggy back ride

So, yeah! I'll post the second to least update tomorrow. See y'all next time!

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