Day 9

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April 27, 2021

I am quite literally about to fall asleep right now, I ain't even joking. And after this, I still have to update another book of mine, so good luck to me, haha! Let's just get on to it, let me tell you about what we had to do today.

So when I arrived at the football field, I saw this army soldier making someone exercise. In my mind, I was like "Holy shit, is this dude- I mean drill sergeant, gonna make us drop down and give him 50 or what?" But we had to go inside, so thank god.

Once we got inside, we immediatley started drills. We didn't even run yet. And believe it or not, doing army crawls on a gym floor is painful. I had knee sleeves on, but my elbows suffered. And the drills went on for about 20 minutes.

After that, we had to run around inside the school 3 times. Which includes going up and down the stairs. If you were behind the coach, you had to do an extra lap. Keep in mind, I've been online the entire school year.

And while I was doing my first lap, my math teacher saw me. So we had a little talk, and then I had to keep running. That little interaction was nice. And then in the last lap, this sixth grader was right on my tail, so I used the rest of my energy to stay ahead of him.

The running took about 10 minutes. Then we did stretches for about 5-10 minutes, so more than half of the time in practice, we were warming up. Then, we had to practice passing the baton. You can't slow down, you just have to trust that your teammate will give it to you.

Once we got down to the last 5 minutes, we practiced our starting. Stay on the balls of your feet, stay low to the ground, don't pop up so quickly, etc. It was fun, but holy shit, it was tiring. I was trying to catch my breath whilst I tried drinking water.

I don't reccomend doing that, it just makes it harder to catch your breath. After that, we didn't even stretch like we normally do, we just went home.

So yeah, I'm gonna end it right here so that I can update my other book and go sleep.

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