Day 18

14 1 0

May 12, 2021

So we had another meet today. Next week is gonna be our last week, so we are gonna have to end this thing soon. I know, it will be very sad. This season may have been tough, and I may have almost lost it with some of my coaches, but I have enjoyed the season so far.

Let me just get down into it.

Okay, so I arrived at Dutch Clark. I saw one of my teammates there, and she was walking away from the stadium and out to her car. I was wondering why, because the meet hasn't even started yet.

Once more people showed up, we went down to the field to go and warmup. And they were actually playing music for once in our lives! The song sounded really good. My friend said the song was called "Love Again", but she didn't know who wrote it.

It had a line that said "you make me feel love again" and it was a boy singing it. So if you think you know what the song is, let me know, I really liked it!

Running one lap around the football field wasn't tough because they were playing some good music. And then we went to the middle of the football field to do drills. And I didn't even get halfway done with my drills before I was called to do girls triple jump.

I got to the sandpit, signed in, looked at where the lines were, and was immediately confused. They had about 10 different lines, each of them going further away from the sandpit. And these lines are supposed to be where you hop.

Ain't no one gonna hop 30 feet away from the sandpit! If they do that, then I will be very surprised if they still make it into the sandpit, because I have never seen someone jump that far. I could never do that anyway, so I picked the line closest to the sandpit.

I thought that since I already jumped three times, I would be good. But apparently, no, those weren't real jumps, those were just practice ones. So the high school boy that signed me in told me that I could start doing the real thing.

And right as I was about to start, we all had to turn and look at the screen, because they were playing a little video about the history of Dutch Clark Stadium. They never do that, so I don't know why they did that today.

Right after that video was done, we all had to turn to the flag as the Star Spangled Banner played. After that, two other girls from Heaton arrived and jumped before me. They had to do the mile soon, so I didn't mind.

After they were done, it was my turn to jump. My first jump was 18 feet, 5 inches. My second jump was 19 feet, 4 inches. My last, and best jump, was 19 feet, 10 inches. So I was good. The distance was good enough for me, so I was happy.

I went back up into the bleachers to go drink some water. Remember when I said I saw my teammate walk away from the stadium? Well apparently, her and another girl, who are the fastest people on our team, were quarantined for the rest of the season. That fucking sucks.

And since you can't do a 4x200 relay with 2 people, we couldn't do the relay. Which sucks, that is the event I do best in! I was bummed, and still am. I just had to wait until they called girls long jump. So I had to wait quite a bit.

At the long jump, I only made 1 valid jump. On my first jump, I missed the sandpit. On my last jump, I was over the line. My length was 8 feet, 4 inches. That's worse than my first long jump! That's so embarrassing, and that's bad. I should really work on long jump.

Once I get to the line, I really start over thinking things, which probably is the thing that makes me go over the line. 

Then I had to wait until they called 200 meter dash. As usual, since that is my last event, I don't really do well in it. And once they say "ready", my stomach starts turning. And then they shoot the gun, and my brain goes crazy.

In the end, I got 5th place. I was actually quite surprised that I was in the first heat this time, I'm usually in the second heat. But at least someone else from my school was running with me.

So yeah, that is basically all that happened. I'm tired, so I'm just gonna end the chapter here. I'll update y'all tomorrow!

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