What's being denied to your soul?

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"If the essential core of the person is denied or suppressed, he gets sick- sometimes in obvious ways, sometimes in subtle ways, sometimes immediately, sometimes later." -Abraham Maslow

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Now that you are hopefully practicing morning pages, use them to uncover whats being denied to your soul. It's often the little things we thought we were too grown up for and ditched that really helped us find happiness.

Maybe you need more laughter in your life- watch a comidy like 'She's the Man'.

Maybe you need some good music- litsten to something groovy like Elton John's 'Take me to the Pilot.'

Maybe you need a good pair of fluffy socks.  They're like a treat for your feet!  

Maybe you need to spend more time in nature.

Maybe you need some arts and crafts, etc- little things that bring you childlike pleasure.

or... Go buy yourself a ballon! :D You know you want one.

Playdough is cool too.

It's really amazing how tiny things can bring us joy <3 

(Check out the video, NATUURREEEEEE! A butterfly lands on a little boy's face and it is so adorable!!-->)

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