Author's Note

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I don't care if you are smarter than Einstein or dumber than a rock.

I don't care if you do or don't believe in god(s).

What I do care about, is if you're hurting from depression.  

I have been to the lowest of the lows and have still managed to survive.

I have learned that as humans, even though we feel pain, we have an uncanny ability to heal.

This book is meant to be a rolling chronicle of little morsels of wisdom I've encountered that help me keep the big bad D at bay.

I know that there are legit self-help depression books out there written by psychologists.   

And I haven't found many I consider helpful.

What I wanted was advice from someone who understood what I was going through and who was battling their own demons successfully.  Someone I could look up to for confidence that I was recoverable as a human being.  That I could have control. That I could be happy.

But I never found anyone.  

So I decided that I would step up to the plate. 

Which Way Is Up?: An Athiest's guide to Depression is a collection of ideas that don't rely on miracles for authenticity.  This book's sole emphasis is to be a "how to guide" on defeating depression with nothing more than logic and reasoning. 

I decided to post videos that I think are worthwhile with my updates.  If you're reading this on your phone and can't watch the videos, I recommend hopping onto your computer to check them out. ;) It's worth it.

Please note that I write WWIPAAGTD (wow that's a lot of letters!) in my limited free-time, so I'm apologizing in advance for any spelling or grammatical errors you find appalling as I will most likely never fix them.  

That said: It's now time to multitask! Sit back, relax, read, and enjoy- all the while slaying an ugly dragon called depression.



P.S.  When you finish this book, you will be awarded an imaginary badge that says 'Dragon Slayer.'  All of the other dragon slayers will be jealous. Just sayin'.

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