Dreams pov

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Wilbur introduced us into the girls who looked very friendly I sat down next to George and Mia sat next to me " hey what's your name" she asked, "I'm dream" I told her, "erm ur mum names you dream" she laughed, "no I say that name instead of telling people my real name" I told her.

"That's weird" she laughed at me, "ye" I faked smile to her, I looked over to see George and hope getting along very well, I was watching the movie when I all I could hear was them two chatting to each other.

It got me angry I felt my body fill with anger , it was surely because I wanted to watch the film , I was about to tell them to shut up when they both stud up and walked of

(George's POV)

Me and hope was lining up when an old couple behind us kept and starting at us "hope look behind us we're getting stared at" I laughed. "Sorry but use tow are so cute together" the old couple said.

"Oh we're not a couple just friends" I smiled awkwardly, "for now" the old women mumbled,
"What?" I asked, "next please" the worker shouted.

"One large coke please" hope asked the worker , as minutes when by I realised how pretty and kind hope was I love chatting to her, I was going to ask her for her number but I got to scared.

"Erm hope your a really good friend can i have ur number" ? I asked. "Ye course you can George here you go" we swapped digits and I looked up to see dream looking at us.

"Hey dream". he smiled and walked into the bathroom, "hope I'm gonna go speak to dream I'll meet you in there okay" she nodded and walked of.

I headed towards the bathroom to walk in and see dream washing his hands, "dream are you ok?" I asked, "yep fine George" he mumbled, "you don't really seem it".

"George I'm FINE OK" he yelled, I was shocked and confused I didn't know if I did anything to him or not he was angry at me for no reason.

"Dream you better tell me what is up with you now"
"Or what George ur just a little boy ur the size of my shoe" dream yelled, I was so shocked what he just said, "dream shut up" I added.

Dream grabbed me by neck and pinned me against the wall , "how about I make you George" he smirked
"Er d- dream" . Dream pushed his fingers against my lips and whispered in my ear, "ye that's what I thought" he smiled.

I didn't know what to do I didn't want to pull away for some reason, dream finally let go and walked out of the bathroom, I was in shock of what just happened.

It felt nice but wrong at the same time he's a guy, I got so nervous to walk back into the room to sit next to dream. I turned the tap on and ran my hands under the tap to splash water on my face, I turned the tap back of and walked out of the bathroom like nothing had happened.

I walked back into the room and looked at dream smirking at me. I sat down next to him and said nothing.  "Looks like someone is sweating George" he taunted, "shut up dream it's water".

"Oh ye really" he swiped his fingers across my lips and looked at his thumb and laughed "oh George you innocent boy your cute" he chuckled.

I said nothing and carried on to watch the film, then a boy ran up the stairs towards us, "oh sorry I'm late I woke up late" he said. "Guys this is sapnap isn't he handsome" Karl whispered, "hey guys nice to meet u all I will just sit down" he smiled to us.

(1 hour later after the film)

"Dude what the honk that was such a good movie dude" Karl added. "Ye Karl I agree today has been so good so far" dream said as he smiled at me.

"It's only 2 am what shall we do " Wilber asked, "let's go to the arcade it's fun there" niki smiled , everyone agreed and walked ahead, "oh shoot I forgot my phone" I screeched, "I forgot my jacket George I will come with you" Karl added.

"Oh ye that would be great" everyone walked a head and me and Karl headed back to get out belongings.

"So what do u think of sapnap" Karl asked, "well he's seems kind of nice ye he's okay". We walked into the room and it was empty and no body was in there.

"Race you there George" Karl rushed, we both rushed to our things and grabbed them. "Oh what a shame I won" Karl laughed.

"You had a head start karl its not fair " , " okay we will race back down then" he asked. I grabbed my phone n placed it in my pocket then set of running.

Me and Karl ran down the stairs when I tripped over and landed on top of him. "Ah fuck me" I screamed.
"Oh erm hi George" he awkwardly laughed.

"I'll get of Karl ,my bad I fell" , "wait why" he akwardly said. He grabbed me and pinned me down on the floor, "just proving I'm stronger George" he laughed, "funny Karl I am" I grabbed Karl and pinned him back on the floor.

"I told you so" I laughed , he smiled and grabbed be and pinned me down again now we're just staring at each other while I was on top of him.

"George.. Karl?" A voice yelled. "Oh shit" I rushed. Dream walked in and looked at me and Karl while I was sat on top of him.

I quickly hurried of him "dream why are you here" I asked , he said nothing and walked of. "Dream it's nothing we was just seeing whose stronger" I added.

Karl looked at me with a worried look "oh shit Karl now it's looks like we was having gay sex" I laughed.

"Ino that " he yelled. I ran after dream and stopped him, "what the fuck was that George" dream yelled,
"We was seeing who was stronger dream that's it" I told him. "Ye okay then" he said as he walked of.

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