Fire Circle

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Dev "Generally Liv gets up early but now she is still sleeping. That's weird"

Logan "Let her sleep. She didn't sleep well last night"

Mia "Why?"

Logan "She worked like mad"

Dan "Not shocked"

Mia "But she has a point. We should do something quickly"

Jas "Can't we want help from Mr. Forester?"

Dev "He might think we failed."

Olivia woke up

Liv "Good morning guys"

Mia "Good morning sleeping beauty"

Liv smiled "Do we have a plan?"

Logan "Not yet."

Liv "I wanna talk to Sophie again."

Dev "Okay. Let's go then"

Liv "Alone"

Mia "You won't do something dangerous. Okay? I don't wanna lose my bestie"

Liv "I won't. Trust me"

Dan "What are we gonna do?"

Jas "Some of us can search for a spell for this and some of us... Ugh I don't know."

Mia "Some of us can attend classes."

Dev "This makes sense. I don't wanna fail on my exams."

Olivia "Listen to the plan: I'll go to talk with Sophie, Logan and Jasmine will attend classes, Devon, Mia and Daniel will do a researching. Is it okay?"

Logan "Yes. Good plan."


Olivia entered.

Sophie "You again? !"

Olivia "Yes me again"

Sophie "Get out!"

Olivia "I don't want to argue. Just listen to me and make up your mind."

Sophie "I gave up. What happened?"

Olivia "We know that a person can't be in two places at the same time and person's behaviours can change. So there is 2 options: You came here after us or demon is controlling you."

Sophie "You can learn the second option."

Olivia "You think I'm stupid? I tried while you were fighting my friends. You have a protection spell."

Sophie "You are cleverer than I think."

Olivia "You are more stupid than I think."

Sophie "Get out"

Olivia "I didn't finish my sentence! You gave us your sister's nacklace in other universe but now you don't believe us. Why? You said 'I only believe you with this nacklace' but you didn't. What is going on?"

Sophie "Maybe it was a lie?"

Olivia "Wh-

Lauren entered.

Lauren "You again! Don't you understand we don't want you here!"

Olivia "No one asked your opinion!"

Lauren "Get out."

Olivia "I'm not interested in you. It's not your business."

Sophie "STOP! I don't want to be rude but you should go"

Olivia "FINE"

Olivia got out and looked at the shop. She was too angry. She raised her arms, made little fire both of her hands her eyes turned into red and she shouted

"I AM LORD OF THE FIRE!" she made a huge fire circle she was in the circle too, shop was in the middle of the circle. She repeated "I AM LORD OF THE FIRE!" sentence for a lot of times. Lauren and Sophie went out and they noticed they are inside a fire circle.


Olivia "Let me intuduce you! This is a fire circle! Only 3 of us inside this as you can see! Other people are not in danger! Mostly when I create this circle I kill the ones inside!"

Sophie "KILL ME THEN!"


And she started saying "I AM LORD OF THE FIRE!" for a lot of times. Lauren just smiled.

A few minutes later they got wet and the fire circle disappeared.

Olivia turned back

Olivia "Logan!" her body was too tired and she had a huge headache.

Logan "I had to do it Liv, for you. You could get worse. Headmaster told you about it, you've shouldn't do this now. You needed more practise. -Wait are you okay?"

Olivia "M-my headache-

Lauren "There must be a painkiller inside"

Logan "No need! I will take her to school."


They entered the room

Mia "Liv! What happened?"

Logan "Fire circle!"

Mia "You said you won't do something dangerous!"

Dev "She can't even talk Mia! Don't blame her now"

Jas "I'm gonna bring medicine"

Dan "Let's put her to her bed."


Olivia woke up

Jas "How do you feel?"

Olivia "Better than before"

Mia "You scared us"

Olivia "Sorry"

Logan "You don't have to say sorry"

Olivia "What's the plan?"

Dev "We have to g oto other universe. We have no other choice."

Olivia "Okay. When?"

Dan "When you get-

Olivia "I'm so good. Really. I just wanna go."

Jas "Are you sure?"

Olivia "YES"

Logan "Let's go into woods again if you really sure."

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