Winter Ball

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Devon woke up and drew somethings to paper. He dropped some pencils so others woke up.

Dan "I think he connected with the demon again"

Logan "Is this what spirits do?"

Jas "Yes. They can get in the demon's mind but not always. And he draws what he saw."

Devon stopped "FOREST"

Liv "What forest?"

Mia "It doesn't make sense for now."


Mia " I'm gonna tell the prom king today!"

Jas "Wow so you are presenter."

Olivia came in

Dan "Where were you?"

Liv "I talked with Nicky."

Logan "Nicky was in Time Travellers, right?"

Liv "Yes"


Dan "Are you ready?"

Liv "I am"

Logan "Yeah"

Mia "Let's go"

Nearly everyone were there.

Logan "God this school is really crowded."

Jas "Why is this music so loud!"

Dev "No idea"

Mia "Mr. Forester is calling me bye!"

A while later Mia was on the stage

Mia "Welcome to Winter Ball ladies and gentilmen. Everyone seems so perfect from here. I'm here to give Prom King's crown. His name is in my hand*showed a card.* Our Prom King is*stopped for a moment*Time Traveller's leader Nicky Daines!"

Everyone clapped and Nicky took the stage. He put on his crown.

Nicky "Thank you for choosing me as your king! This is a big honor. Mia gave me a second card. I'll give the second crown to our Prom Queen!"

Hannah to Olivia "You'll hear my name now"

Olivia "I really don't care. Please take it personal."

Nicky "Our Prom Queen is... Olivia Vesta!"

Olivia "WHAT"


Nicky "Please come to stage Queen Olivia"

Olivia took the stage. Nicky put her crown to Olivia.

Olivia "I'm in shock I don't know what to say. I'm just so happy. Thank you all"

Headmaster took the stage

Mr. Forester "Let's celebrate our King and Queen!"

Everyone danced for a few hours


Olivia "Logan the talisman..."

Logan "What happened?"

Olivia "ABSENT"

Logan "I saw it on your desk. It's in the room"

Olivia "Oh thank you."

Suddenly everyone beside Mia, Dan, Jas, Devon and Hannah turned towards Olivia and Logan.

Olivia and Logan at the same time "DEMON!"

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