Second Travel

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They sat as a circle again.

Olivia "Keep each others hands" she put the talisman in the middle of their circle. "Divinity of the elements, I summon thee. Earth, Water, Fire and Air, elements that we all share!"

Dev "Let's find Sophie"

Dan "I'm wondering..."

Jas "About what?"

Dan "Her reaction after we tell everything"


Sophie "Hi travellers! I have good news. You don't have to go to school here."

Liv "Hi..."

Sophie "Something is wrong, what happened?"

Dan "Is your sister's name Lauren?"

Sophie "Yes... Did you find her?"

Dev "We should start from the begining. We visited you but your sister was there."

Sophie "What?!"

Mia "We gave you the nacklace but you didn't believe us."

Sophie "No way!"

Jas "And you called us 'thieves'"

Sophie "Wait this is impossable, I didn't go there after you and I wouldn't act so"

Logan "Yes that is the point"

Liv "You were so annoying. I tried to kill you"

Sophie "What?" she laughed. "You can be sure than it wasn't me."

Dev "What would we gonna do now?"

Sophie "No idea. But you must make me believe in there."

Mia "But how?"

Sophie "Wait!" *She wrote something to a piece of paper. But not with letters so others couldn't understand about things she wrote.

Dan "What are they?"

Sophie "My own alphabet. I use these figurs while writing my diary so only I can read. Give this paper to other me."

Logan "But probably demon is controlling you there. Should we get closer to you?"

Sophie "You shouldn't..."

Jas "How can you travel between universes? You don't have elementel powers and-

Sophie "Not with elemental powers. With another magic. Oh found! Put this paper to my mail box. It's in front of the shop."

Liv "Don't go to other universe for now."

Sophie "Don't worry I won't."

Mia "I think we should go now."

Dan "Yes. We have a lot of things to do. We'll come again."

Sophie "Good luck! And please be careful."

They were on the way to the woods. Suddenly they heard a scream.

Liv "What was that? !"

Dev "Let's go and see with our own eyes"

They ran towards the scream.

They saw Hannah. She was tied to a tree

Hannah "Olivia! Help me!"

Liv "I will!"

A voice came up from the sky "ORDER MUST BE RESTORED"

Logan and Devon helped Hannah

Dan "Jas, go with Hannah"

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