New Student

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Mr. Forester "All groups are here. I wanted to say that we'll have a music class soon."

Olivia "Music class? At this school?"

Mr. Forester "If you want to be in a music band you can tell to our new Time Traveller student Roséanne Carter."

Roséanne Carter had hazel eyes, light Brown hair and white skin.

Nicky "I think I'm falling"

Jordan "You don't even know her."

Nicky "I don't care"

Mr. Forester "You can sit with your group friends"

Nicky to Roséanne "Here is empty!"

Rosé "Thank you" she smiled

Nicky "Your welcome. I'm Nicky."

Rosé "I'm Roséanne. You can call me Rosé."

Nicky "By the way I want to be in the band. My voice is nice but I can't play the guitar."

Rosé "Okay. What's your surname?"

Nicky "Daines"

Rosé "Nicky Daines, okay. Also I can teach you how to play the guitar."

Nicky "Really? This would be awesome"

Jordan "Hi Rosé I'm Jordan"

Rosé "Hi Jordan!"

Hannah came to the table

Hannah "Hi new girl! I'm Hannah. I want to be in the band. I can play the electronic guitar and drum"

Rosé "So good. What is your surname?"

Hannah "Smith."

Rosé "Okayy."

Hannah "Thank you. Bye!"

Mr. Forester "Thank you for listening. You can go."

Daniel "Let's meet the new girl"

Mia "She has a name?"

While they are talking Nicky and Rosé joined them

Olivia "Hi Rosé. I'm Olivia. We are elements. We really get on well with Time Travellers"

Rosé "Glad to hear that." she smiled.

Logan "I'm Logan Ayers."

Rosé "The famous Ayers?"

Logan "My family is always follows me. Yes the famous Ayers family."

Mia "Welcome to the School. I'm Mia"

Dev "I'm Devon."

Dan "I am Daniel"

Jas "And I am Jasmine. You can call me Jas."

Rosé "Nice to meet you all."

Nicky "Cam'on Rosé we have a lot of things to do."

Rosé "Okay. See you later."

Jas "Bye!"

Nicky and Rosé left.

Dev "Let's go to the room. We shouldn't leave the book alone for a long time"


There was a paper on the door. Olivia took tha paper and read.

Olivia "We have an invitation from The Serial Killer Hunters"

Logan "What invitation?"

Olivia "It writes 'We want to be friends so we organised a little party with you and Time Travellers. Please join."

Mia "When?"

Olivia "Tomorrow evening."

Daniel "That's good. I hope they apologize."

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