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Hello, my name is Nightshade. however, i mostly go by Night. i have known Maleficent since i was a kitten. i was her pet you could say, a loyal companyon. untill Stefan broke her heart, and stoll her wings. she requited a diffrent kind of friend after that, someone who she could trust. that is how i went from black cat, to human women. my mother abandend me when i was a week old, for i was the runt of the litter. Maleficent, knowing what it's like to be abandend, took me in as her pet. after the incadint the Stefan, i was her eyes and ears, however i am limited. that was when she desited i was not enough. she needed someone with wings. i felt as thow i had been abandoned once again, and i am sad to say, i held that agenst him. Maleficent found a raven in a farmer's feeled, and turned him into a man. he was kind, but, as much as i wanted to, i couldn't bring myself to like him. he had stolen my place at Maleficent's right hand. the young raven's name was Diaval.

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