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i sat and watched to moon. i soon fall asleep, of only for a cuple of howers. however, i was unaware of the black fetherd bird perched befind me.

i awoke the next morning, and climed down to the casle rooends.
"Maleficent?" i asked looking for the wingless faerie. i walked into the rooends, and saw Maleficent siting on a rock. 
"i see you returned." she spoke.
"yes, mistress." i said coshesly.
"vary well. i have sent Diaval off on an arend for me. i wish to go see the child." she said.
"then let's go." i said turning in the direction of the cabin the girl was staying in.
"no. you will stay here and wate for Diaval." she said.
"why? he is full grown, he can take care of him self."
"yes. but you are not." she said. before i could reply, she had vanished.
"not full grown!" i yelled in outrage. that stupid bird! this is all his falt! if he hadin't come along, we would have been just fine! i wouldn't have to spend the night in a tree, and i would have still been Maleficent's right hand man- or women. i sighed, and sat down on the hard stone. i had some time to waist, so i took a little cat nap.

when i awoke, i was nolonger alone. i streched and blinked the sleep out of my eyes. 
"good morning." said a male voice. i turned to see the raven him self. Diaval gave me a kind smile, to which i scowaled.
"it's after noon." i said, siting upright. stupid bird. waking me up. and it's not morning, its after noon! "what are you doing here?"
"mistress asked me to keep an eye on you." he replyed.
"why?" i asked, turning my hole body to face him. he sat infrunt of me, and now we faced eachother.
"she says you can be haserdis if left alone."
"oh really now?"
"well it mite have been a bit haserdis to leave a silly bird alone with a hungry cat." i said, smirking as his eyes widend. "edspeshaly one who can't fly."
"you wouldn't."
"want to test that thery?"
"no. besides why would you eat me, we are comrads."
"i'm afrade you mistake my tolorence for friendship. i couldn't care less if you died." now that was a bit harsh. i regretid my words the secent the left my mouth. while, i wouldn't care much if he was gone, i did not meen to be so meen.
"i see." he said. there was a bit of silents be tween us before he asked. " miss Nightshade, why do you hate me?" i sighed, thinking over my anser carfuly this time.
"hate is a strong word. i...i guess i'm just a bit lonaly... i always push people away, and i am sorry if my harsh words hurt you." he nodded. "i just feel as thow i've been replaced."
"you arn't replaced miss Nightshade. Maleficent was a bit wored you were not comeing back last night." he said. maybe this bird wasn't so bad after all.
"really? you know you don't haft to call me miss Nightshade. you can call me Night." i said with a smile. "and maybe we can be friends." he smiled, and we shook hands. little did i know are friend ship would evalve into somthing much grater.

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