Pretty Bird and Kitty Cat

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Aurora was 15 almost 16 now, and a beautifal young women. watching her grow up was amazing. her long blond hair was the color of the sun, her starlight blue eyes could win over any man she met. and, for the first time in a long time, i was jealous. she had it all, and what did i have? nothing. her hair was the color of day, the color of happyness. my'n was dark, the color of fear and evil. her eyes were baybe blue, my were the color of toxic waist. glowing green in the darkness. her name was light and kind. my'n was the name of a deadly flower. Nightshade. i know i shouldent hold any of this agenst her, but it was difacult. Maleficent had been following her for a long time, and she had taken her to the moors today. why? i don't know. Maleficent stayed in the shadows as he watched Aurora. Diaval was puched on a branch high in a tree next to me. both of us in are animal forms, we watched the wingless faerie and the young human. Aurora maniged to cokes Maleficent out of the shadows. quickly Diaval swooped down onto a branch. i leped out of the tree, and landed gracefuly on the grown. i sat at Maleficent's feet. 
"i remember you! your my pretty bird!" said Aurora, recugnising Diaval. he seen quite plesed at beeing called by his old nickname. i meowed at Maleficent, as if asking why she had chosen to reveal her self. my meow had cot Aurora's atenchen. 
"hello again my little kitty cat!" she said smileing at me. i looked up at Maleficent again, and she nodded. with a flick of her rist, Diaval and i were human. Aurora was taken aback. Diaval walked up to her, as i sat on a nearby log.
"hello Aurora. i've known you since you were a child." said Diaval, taking and kissing her hand. i rooled my eyes, feeling a pinch of jealosy in my heart. what had that crazy bird done to me?

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