I | Lalisa

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Jennie Kim. That one girl who doesn't know what love is. Of course, she's young. But one day, she'll understand that word and will learn how to love.
Third person POV

A seven year old Jennie was sitting in a bench near the playground. Staring everywhere the park. As you can tell, she's all by herself. No one to play or talk to.

But because of her intense staring at everywhere, there she found a cute and pretty child. Because of her loneliness and just wants to talk and play to other people, she stood up to walked to the girl.

'Does this girl even speak korean? She looks like a foreigner' Jennie thought.

Confidently she walked to her.

"Hi". Said Jennie with a confident smile.

"uh, h-hi" the girl smiled shyly.

"You seem new here. I haven't seen you here before."

"y-yeah, my mom got a new job so we transfered here."

'Luckily she speaks korean.' Jennie thought.

"oooh. Anyways I'm Kim Jennie, nice to meet you. How about you?"

"O-oh, Nice to meet you too Jennie. I'm L-Lalisa Manoban. Lisa for short" Lisa smiled shyly and looked at the ground.

"You know what? You don't have to be shy. You're pretty tho."

"I- uh, thank you. You're pretty too." Lisa said shyly and blushing. She mumbled the last part but Jennie heard it.

"So, you think I'm pretty. Huh?" Jennie smiled widely.

"Well- uhm." Lisa pouted and felt her cheeks heat up so she covered her face.

"Never mind. Are yah blushing tho?" Jennie giggled.

Lisa blushed deeply but ended up laughing at each other.

"Nice meeting you Lisa. By the way I'm seven years old. You look like a foreigner"

"I'm six, unnie. I live in Thailand."

"Lisa! Where are you? Let's go home now sweetie" Lisa's mom shouted.

"Okay mom! Bye unnie it's nice meeting you. See you again!"

"Bye Lisa."

And both of them waved goodbye at each other.

As Lisa got home, Jennie got home too.

"Well, Lisa seems so... Cute. I want to play with her more." Jennie smiled and blushed.

"Hi mom and dad, I'm home." Jennie said.

"Mom! Dad! Guess what! I made new friends with our new neighbour!" Jennie said excitedly.

"Oh is it Lalisa?" Jennie's Mom answered.

"Yes! Wait how did you know mom?"

"Well mrs. Manoban, Lisa's Mom is your Mom's friend while mr. Manoban is my friend at work too." Jennie's Dad answered.

"Wow, that's amazing! Can me and Lisa hang out always?"

"Yes, sure you can sweetie."

Jennie hugged and thanked her parents happily and got to her room to sleep.

"See you tomorrow, Lalisa." Jennie smiled and drifted to sleep.


Jennie was woken up by a loud ring from her alarm. It was already 6 in the morning but it seems like she doesn't want to get up. If you're wondering what does she hates the most, well it is waking up early at 6 in the morning. Jennie stopped her alarm and drifted back to sleep.

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