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He looked up at himself in the mirror, nothing but frustration was showcasing on his face. He pulled his fingers through strands of hair, adjusting his shirt and exhaling deeply and twisting the doorknob.

Promises were created to be broken anyways.


He opened the door, eyes meeting with George's. He pushed past, the strength of his shoulder causing George to tumble backwards a bit.


He paused, turning around and saw George jogging to catch up. "George. Go with your girlfriend I'm just going to talk to Dream."


Sapnap rolled his eyes, "Don't play dumb with me, George."

"No I really—"

"I don't need any of your bullshit, okay?" He raised his voice a bit.

"Sapnap please—"

"Enough, George." He walked away, leaving George standing there.

Quackity and Karl sat at one of the couches, monster in their hands. They had a suspicious look on their face as George began walking their way. "What did you do now, George?"

"I fucked up, okay?" He gripped locks of hair, "Dream and Sapnap are mad at me and I don't know what to do!"

"George what even happened?!" Quackity asked after swallowing his monster.

"I don't know, I guess they're not happy with my girlfriend."

Quackity spit out his drink, "GIRLFRIEND?" him and Karl yelled in unison. "No, George you screwed up so bad."

"You guys are mad too? What the hell I—"

Quackity cut him off, "Do you even know??"

"Know?" He raised an eyebrow, "Know what?"

"So you don't umm, we'll leave it to Dream." Karl gave him a thumbs up, sipping his monster. "But if he doesn't tell soon, I might just do so myself."


"Dream?" Sapnap searched outside, between buildings.

There Dream was, leaning against the wall with what appeared to be a cigarette in his mouth.

Nope, Sapnap speed walked to him, not on my watch.

He approached Dream, taking it out of his mouth and crushing it, ashes seeping out of the front. "Dream.. you never told me you smoked."

His clothes smelled burnt along with his breath, disgusting. "How'd you even find me?"

"That's not important okay? What's important is that you need to tell George.. now."

"Sapnap I told you for the millionth—"

He shut him up, "Dream he still cares about you!"

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