You'll Never Understand

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Beth here!

I have people who ask me why I'm friends with William. I find that very rude, but I always answer, "You'll never understand." It's not that I don't want to answer them, it's because, well they'll never understand.

William and I have been through thick and thin. We've come out of situations which you'd never think we would, but we did. Our friendship is that strong and I'm so proud to call him my best friend.

I'd never give up on him. He's helped me so much and been there for me all the way. You can't just give up on someone who's put up with you through everything and still stuck around. That's not possible. <3

I owe him so much and one day I will give back what he gave me. He gave me a reason to continue when things were so low. He's my inspiration and hero.

So the next time someone asks you why you're friends with someone or just there for them, just tell them what I'll never understand.

Loves ya!

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