Try This

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I want you all to try this: I want you to think about the most important person in your life. Now, get rid of them. Pretend they don't exist. 

How do you feel? Do you feel sad? Angry? Depressed? Scared? All of the above? 

How are you without this person? Do you think you'd be where you are today if they didn't exist? What if you didn't take the time to say hello to this person? Or to even start a conversation with them? What if...?

For me...I honestly don't know where I'd be without my best friend. He saved my life...and he continues to do that every single day. I just hope and pray that he'll always be in my life because I'll always need matter what...

One Has a Love, One Has a Plan...Both Are About to DieWhere stories live. Discover now