Things I Remember...

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1. The first time we said hi (at chorus)
2. When you came out and how proud of you I was when you did (and excited)
3. When we opened up to each other
4. I gave you my phone number and the first time we texted, we talked to 1 in the morning
5. You wanted me to trust you
6. The first time I saw you cry...
7. When I first hurt you
8. When you first hurt me
9. The first time we said I love you to each other and how awkward it was, but we meant and still do
10. Steak, purple, and at the time, tigers
11. The red folder you kept your stories and poetry in
12. It's story you wrote
13. Your favorite orange shirt
14. The promises we made to each other
15. The stars
16. Our first lunch together
17. Mirrors...still listen to it
18. I used to be taller than you :P
19. We would break out and sing Love is an Open Door lol
20. The laughing, smiling, crying, pain, and everything else we went through to get ourselves here.

There's a whole lot of others, but those are the basics :)

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