Chapter 26

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Roxy’s POV

Everyone is out of the hospital now. My baby brother or sister is safe and the men are in Finland. I am leaving Cameron with my mom to go there for CC’s birthday. I landed in the airport and I saw him standing there with flowers. I smiled and ran over to him. He caught me in his arms and kissed me. “I am so glad you are here.” He said. “So am I. I would not want to miss your birthday for the world.” I said. He kissed me again. “I decided that I am going to do whatever you want me to do all day long.” I said. “The ideas I have now are endless.” He said. I laughed and kissed him. “So sex in an airport bathroom?” he asked. I laughed and led him to the bathroom. He pushed me into the handicap stall. I laughed and I stripped off my clothes. “Man, have I missed that body of yours.” He said kissing my neck. I let out a moan and he put his hand over my mouth. “We have to be quiet.” He said. I nodded and helped him out of his jeans. He slipped on a condom and slipped into me. I wanted to let out a loud moan but I just buried my head into his shoulder. “Damn babe, I forgot how good you felt.” He said. I nodded and tried to hold in my moans but I let one out. He covered my mouth again as we heard a toilet flush. I couldn’t help but giggle. CC tried to suppress his laughter. We finished up and he checked to make sure the bathroom was empty. We headed out to catch a taxi and made our way to the boys’ hotel. We arrived and my dad ran out to hug me. He wrapped his arms around me holding me tightly. “I was so worried about you.” He said. “I am alright daddy.” I said kissing his cheek. He kissed my forehead. We headed inside and all the boys hugged me. I sat down on the couch and CC wrapped his arms around me. “So buddy, what do you want to do for your birthday?” Ashley asked. “I am spending the day with lovely lady then we will get dinner. Then Ashley you can take us out to a club.” He said. I just shook my head. Ashley Purdy birthday plans are sometimes scary. “I will go get ready then.” I said kissing CC. “No, you look fine just the way you are.” He said. I blushed and buried my face into his chest. I went to go grab a sweatshirt anyway. “How many times since you landed?” Ashley asked following me. “Pervert and once.” I said. “I have a bet that it will get to double digits and then your dad hit me.” He said. “Well you deserve it.” I said walking back out to the boys. “I’m ready.” I said. CC nodded and we headed off. He wanted to go the local carnival. I of course did not mind since we had so many wonderful memories at the fair. We walked around riding rides and eating unhealthy food. He won me a teddy bear and we rode the Ferris wheel. He kissed me once we reached the top. “I was wondering if you would want to go see a live performance of Cinderella?” he said. My eyes lit up. Cinderella is our movie. “I would love to go but it is your birthday.” I said. “I want to go.” He said. I nodded and we left the park. We headed to the theatre and got amazing seats. As soon as they sang This Is Love, I started crying. They were happy tears though. CC kissed me and I kissed him back. We walked out of the theatre and enjoyed a nice spring day walk back to the hotel. “Did I mention how lucky I am to have you in my life?” he said. “Only every day.” I said. “Well I am.” He said kissing me. I smiled. He threw me up on his back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. I pulled his beanie off and slipped it on my head. “Hey, my hair is a mess.” He said. “You look handsome.” I said kissing his cheek. He smiled and kissed my hand. We reached the hotel and headed up to the room. “We have to get ready to go out now.” I said. “Ya, we are going to need a shower.” He said. I shook my head and giggled. I took off running towards the bathroom. “I will catch you.” He said. “No, you won’t. I am too fast for you with my gazelle legs.” I screamed. “Hey, I have gazelle legs.” My dad screamed. I laughed and locked myself in our bathroom. I stripped and climbed into the warm shower. “You forgot I know how to pick a lock.” CC said before climbing into the shower. I laughed and washed the shampoo out of my hair. I heard a rip and I turned around. “Someone really is happy I am here.” I said. He smiled and kissed my soft spot. I let out a moan and he slipped into me. “I just really missed you.” He said. I clawed at his back while arching my back. “Right there.” I moaned. He slowed down his pace and kept hitting my spot. I could feel the “butterflies” well up in my stomach. “CC, I am so close.” I said. “So am I.” he said. I wrapped my legs around his waist and bit his shoulder. He slammed into me and I lost it. I set my feet down and we just stood there trying to catch our breath. He took off the condom and threw it out. I was my hair again and then my body. CC handed me a towel and I headed into the room. I pulled out my matching black lace bra and thong. I pulled them on and wrapped a robe around me. I grabbed the two dresses I bought and ran to Ashley’s room. “Babe, which one do I wear?” I asked. He looked at both of them intently. “What are you doing with your hair?” he asked. “I don’t know yet.” I said. He grabbed the dresses and pushed me into my room. “Bathroom.” He said pointing to the door. I didn’t even question him and I just walked in. He started curling my hair as sat on a stool he brought in from the kitchen area. “Really?” Jinxx said. “This is actually against my will.” I said. “It is true.” Ashley pointed out. He sprayed my hair down with hairspray. He then did my makeup, which I could’ve done on my own. “Now go put on that blue sparkly dress with the sheer top.” He said. I nodded and went to go put the dress on. I pulled it on and walked over to him. “Zip me up?” I asked. He zipped me up and I looked in the mirror. “Thanks Ash, I look amazing.” I said. “You always do, now enjoy your dinner and we will see you later.” He said. I nodded and slipped on my black heels with the bows on the toes. I grabbed my clutch and walked out into the living room. Everyone wolf whistled and I blushed. My dad hugged me and kissed my forehead. “You look so beautiful.” He said. “Thanks daddy.” I said. CC smiled and kissed me. I took his hand and we headed out to dinner. We walked outside the hotel and there was a horse drawn carriage. “Christian, you didn’t.” I said. He smiled and helped me into the carriage. He told the driver the restaurant and he took us there. I looked up at the beautiful night sky and saw CC watching me out of the corner of my eye. “If we weren’t already married, I would think you were trying to propose to me.” I said. “Hey, this was one of my many ideas of proposing to you.” He said. I laughed and kissed him. “You are so romantic.” I said. We reached the restaurant and he helped me down. We headed inside. “Table for Mora.” He said. The waiter led us out back. He led us out to the patio and it was all set up with rose petals and candles. “CC, I am supposed to be the one making this all romantic and special.” I said. He smiled and kissed me. “Ya but I love to spoil you.” He said. I smiled and kissed him. We enjoyed a nice spaghetti and meatball dinner and CC pulled the lady and the tramp meatball move. It was so cute. I licked the sauce off his nose and he laughed. “Roxanne, I was wondering when Cameron was a little bit older like when he is one if we could have another baby?” he asked. “I would really like that and maybe have a little girl this time.” I said. He nodded. “Can we try to plan it around touring though this time because I am not doing it alone. It was bad enough Cameron was born in England.” I said. He nodded. “Hey, it is a nice story to tell him when he is older. Your mom came to visit me for Valentine’s Day while I was touring in England and then you decided to come meet us.” He said. I laughed. “That is true and remind me to take him to get an American citizen thing when I get home since he wasn’t born here.” I said. He nodded. We finished eating and climbed back into the carriage. I rested my head on his shoulder as we took a romantic carriage ride through some park. I felt him wrap his arm around my shoulder and kiss my head. “Do we have to join in the stupidity of Ashley tonight?” I asked. “Yes but only because we love him.” He said. I laughed and kissed him. The carriage driver let us out. We walked to the club and headed inside. Ashley found us instantly and got us started on shots. I was so gone by the 7th shot. I was giggling and leaning on CC. We were dancing earlier but now we can barely stand straight. “You two should head back to the hotel.” Jinxx said. I looked at CC and winked at him. CC laughed and we caught a cab back. We drunkenly stumbled to the room. “CC, I don’t think this is our bed.” I said laughed as he started to strip. “It is okay, as long as it isn’t your dad’s.” he said. I was too drunk to care and stripped from my clothes. CC came over and pulled me onto him. It was the best-drunken sex I had in a long time. I woke up only hours later to screaming.

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