Chapter 3

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Roxanne’s POV

This past month has been amazing. I’m officially Andy and Juliet’s daughter. I have amazing friends and an amazing life. I didn’t make it past the battles in The Voice but I didn’t care. At least I gave it a shot. Andy said he would try and get his manager to listen to me sing sometime soon. I told him I wasn’t ready yet though. Me and CC are best friends. The guys said he has a girlfriend but I have never met her or saw a picture of her. I headed over to the guy’s house and I walked in and saw CC and some girl making out. I felt my heart instantly break. I ran up to Jinxx’s room. I don’t love CC or do I. I knocked on Jinxx’s door and he opened it. I wrapped my arms around him and cried into his chest. “What’s wrong Roxy?” he asked. “CC.” I said. “You saw him making out with Lauren.” He said. I nodded and he rubbed my back. “I think I love him, Jinxx.” I said. “Well ever since he met you, he has become happier.” He said. “Really?” I asked. “Yes, Roxy. I really think he likes you.” He said. I smiled and wiped away my tears. I went and got Ashley and told him I wanted to play a prank on CC. We both filled up two buckets full of ice water. We crept down the stairs and CC was still making out with that slut. I counted to three and we dumped both buckets on them and ran out the back door before they noticed us. We fell on the ground laughing. I saw CC stand up and start running towards the backyard. I ditched Ashley and ran out front to Andy’s car. I bumped into CC’s girlfriend. “Oh it’s you.” She said in disgust. “Excuse me?” I asked. “You’re the slut who is flirting with my boyfriend.” She said. “I am not.” I said balling my hands up into fists. “Stay away from my boyfriend.” She said punching me in the face. I punched her back and we started screaming and fighting. All the guys came out front to see what was going on. Jake and CC pulled us apart. “CC, she threatened to kill me.” His girlfriend said. “Roxy, I can’t believe you would say that to Lauren.” CC said holding her tightly. “I fucking didn’t. I bumped into her and she called me a slut.” I said trying not to cry. “I doubt that Roxy.” He said. “I FUCKING HATE YOU CHRISTIAN” I yelled as I punched him in the crotch and ran inside. I fell on the couch and started crying. Andy rubbed my back. “It’s going to be okay, baby girl. I believe you.” He said. “I would never say anything like that to Lauren. I know how much CC cares about her.” I said. He helped fixed my makeup and I called my friend Craig. Not Craig Mabbitt. Craig Owens. He is in D.R.U.G.S with my friend Matt. He came and picked me up. I got in the car and hugged him. We headed back to his house and I told him what happened. He pasted me a Corona and I drank it quickly. Soon we were watching Jackass and drinking a lot of Corona. The next thing I knew we were making out and he was carrying me up to his bedroom. That was the last thing I remembered. I woke in the morning with a raging headache and naked next to Craig. I got out of bed carefully and slipped on my thong and bra. I remembered last night him asking me to be his girlfriend and I said yes. I found my phone and I had five missed calls from Juliet and ten frantic texts from Andy. I texted them where I was and that I was safe. I snuck back upstairs and crawled back in next to Craig. I kissed his chest and fell back asleep since it was seven in the morning.

Andy’s POV

I was so pissed at CC. He basically ripped Roxy’s heart out. “CC!” I yelled. He came down the stairs afraid of what was going to happen. “You sure as hell know Roxy would never hurt anyone without being provoked.” I said. “You never know Andy. Some girls can flipped the fuck out for no reason.” He said. “Well I hope you know that Roxy hasn’t been answering any of mine and Juliet’s texts or calls. You better hope she is alright CC.” I said punching his shoulder. He groaned and went upstairs. Juliet and I decided crashing at the BVB house in case Roxy came back. We woke up and ate breakfast with Jinxx and Ash. CC got up and avoided me. Within the hour Roxy came walking in holding hands and laughing with Craig. She kissed him and CC’s jaw dropped. “Hey.” I said. “Hey. Sorry, me and Craig got carried away last night and lost track of time.” Roxy said smiling. Craig smiled at her and kissed her forehead. CC stormed off back up to his room. He clearly still loved her or he was still pissed at her. I went into our security cameras. I found the video of Lauren and Roxy. I grabbed CC and dragged him in showing him the video. “Shit, I fucked up big time.” He said. “Ya you did.” I said. “She will never forgive me.” He said starting to cry. “Well at least try and talk to her.” I said. He nodded and went back to his room crying. I felt bad for him but this is all his fault. Plus he is still with Lauren. I headed back into the kitchen and saw Craig and Roxy making out on the couch. I made a coughing noise and Roxy blushed. “Sorry dad.” She said. “It’s okay baby girl.” I said. Craig looked annoyed but I shook it off. We all went back to talking. Roxy and Craig left and I wondered where to. I brushed it off because I knew she was smart and could handle herself.


I laid in my bed crying. I can’t believe I was so fucking stupid and didn’t believe her. I was watching videos of us acting stupid and having fun. I love her and now she is with Craig fucking Owens. I found the video I recorded of her last week when she sang This Song Saved My Life to me. I started crying again. Lauren knocked on my door and came in. “What’s wrong CC?” she asked. “You made me yell at my best friend and made me get her to hate me.” I said angrily. “What are you talking about?” she asked. “I saw the security footage Lauren.” I said. She got all quiet. “Get out Lauren. We are through. I never want to see you again.” I said. She left me room. I pulled out my phone and texted Roxy that I was sorry. I hope she can forgive me because I’m going to fight to get our friendship back. I got a text from Craig saying to leave Roxy alone. Well I wasn’t. I love her so much it hurts. I want Roxy to be mine. I got up and headed downstairs. Ashley attacked me with a hug. “Get dressed we are going out tonight since you are single again.” He said. I nodded and went upstairs to get ready. We headed down to a local club and I just sat at the bar drinking all night. I looked up and saw Roxy and Craig dancing together. She was making out with him. I saw her pull him to the girl’s bathroom and my heart shattered. I got up and left and headed home. Andy looked at me confused. “Make sure Roxy isn’t pregnant.” I said. He snapped with anger. “What do you mean?” he growled. “Her and Craig are both highly intoxicated and went into the girl’s bathroom to get it on.” I said. “Where are they?” he asked. I told him and he left for the club. “CC?” Juliet said. “Ya.” I said. “Come here.” She said patting the couch next to her. “I know you love Roxy.” She said “I’m sorry.” I said. “Don’t be sorry CC. I know she loves you but she needs time to get over what happened between you, her and Lauren.” She said. “Thanks Juliet.” I said. “Oh and CC if you ever break my daughter’s heart, I’ll break your face.” She said. “Okay.” I said heading upstairs. I fell asleep instantly and then I heard Andy and Roxy yelling at each other downstairs. Andy gave up and made Roxy go to bed. Roxy seemed really drunk. I heard her open my door and just collapse to the ground. I picked her up and carried her to the guest room since everyone was staying here tonight. I laid her in the bed and went back to my room. I wish I could just cuddle with her. Andy came into my room. “Hey CC.” he said. “Ya, Andy.” I said. “Thank you.” He said. I nodded and he shut the door. I fell asleep once the house was quiet.

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