Chapter 28

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Roxanne's POV

Ashley and Ash have been doing amazing. I have never seen Ash more happy in my whole life. I bounced Cameron on my lap as he giggled. Marley was fast asleep next to us on the couch. I heard the front door swing open and I heard crying. Ash came running in balling his eyes out. I have never seen him this upset. I placed Cameron in his bouncer and wrapped my arms around Ash. "Ash, what happened?" I asked. "Ashley, she cheated on me with her ex fiancé." He said. "Ashley, are you sure? She seems like the type of girl who wouldn't do that. She loves you." I said. "I caught them at her apartment kissing." He sobbed. I held him as he cried and his phone went off. I grabbed his phone and noticed it was a private number. I answered as he went to clean himself up. "Hello, this is Ashley Purdy's phone. May I ask who is calling?" I asked. "Hi, this is Dignity Health California Hospital. We have a patient who was just admitted and Ashley Purdy is her emergency contact." A nice woman said. "Who is this patient?" I asked. "A Ashley Morrison." She said. "We will be right down." I said. I put Cameron in his carrier and grabbed my purse. Ashley came out of the bathroom and looked at me. "Hospital." I said. He followed me out to my car and I buckled Cameron in. He drove to the hospital and I ran inside with Cameron. "Hi, I am here for Ashley Morrison." I said. Ashley's face fell. I knew he was hurt but he did care for her a great deal. He loves her. "Her doctor will be out in a moment to get you." The nurse said. I nodded. "What happened to her? I should've knocked on the door instead of run away. What if that bastard did this to her?" he said. I calmed him down and the doctor came out. "I think this conversation would be better suited for my office." He said. We nodded and followed. We sat down in the doctor's office. "Miss. Morrison has been brutally attacked. She was found lying in her apartment with a black eye, broken arm and a huge cut across her stomach. She was also raped. We managed to reset her arm and stitch up the cut. There isn't much we can do for the eye but no bones were broken there. She is very scared right now. She gave us the name of her attacker and he was reported to the proper authorities." He said. I nodded. Ash looked crush. "Can we go see her?" he asked as his voice cracked. "Of course." He said. He gave us her room number and we headed to her room. We stood there and Ash couldn't breath. "I need some fresh air. I will be back." He said running away. I knew he would be back and there would be no reason to chase him. I headed inside and found Ashley crying in the bed. She looked up when she heard the door open. She sobbed more. I placed Cameron's carrier down on the couch and wrapped my arms around her. I held her as she cried and kissed her head. "None of this is your fault. You need to know that. You did nothing wrong." I said stroking her hair. She soon calmed down and fell asleep. I sat there holding her. She woke up and hugged me. "Thank you for coming." She said. I nodded. Cameron started to get cranky. I went and picked him up and smelled him. "He needs a diaper change. I will be right back." I said. She nodded and got comfortable.

Ashley's POV

I saw Roxy leave the room. I sighed and headed to her room. I walked in and she started crying. "Baby." I said weakly. I walked over to her and sat on the bed holding her hand. She cried into my chest. I held her tightly in my arm as she moved onto my lap. "Everything is going to be okay. You did nothing wrong. None of this is your fault." I said kissing her head. "How can you even look at me?" she asked. "Because I am in love with you." I said kissing her. "I love you too." She said. I held her and let her cry. She ended up crying and falling asleep in my arms. I laid us down on her bed and held her in my arms tightly in fear of loosing her. Roxanne came back and smiled at us. "You can go if you want. I can get us a taxi." I said quietly. She nodded. A doctor came in and he smiled. "She can be released tonight." He said. I nodded. "She need bed rest for the next two weeks and little activity." He said. I nodded. He gave me the release papers to sign and I did. "I will send a nurse back in a few hours to unhook her." He said. "Thank you." I said. He left and I watched Ashley sleep. I moved her hair from her face and kissed her forehead. She woke up a few hours later. "You can be discharged." I said. She nodded. She didn't have any clothes so the nurse gave her scrubs. I called for a taxi. "I want you to move in with me. I love you. Tokyo and Killer love you." I said. "Are you sure?" she asked. I nodded. She kissed me. I told the taxi driver her apartment and we headed there. She grew stiff when we reached the door. "Would you like me to just go in and grab things that you will need?" I asked. She nodded trying not to cry. She typed out a list for me on my phone and I grabbed everything she wanted quickly. I walked back to the door and locked it. "I can have Roxanne, Ella and Juliet box up your things if you don't want to go back in there." I said. "I think I need time." She said. I nodded. We headed back to my house and she went to change into her PJs. I made us some pizza for dinner. She came back down in long pants and a sweatshirt. She sat down at the island and played with the sleeves of the sweatshirt. I stood in front of her. "I do love you Ashley. I promise I will protect you." I said looking into her eyes. She nodded and I saw that tears threatened to spill. I came around and held her in my arms. "How about we eat dinner and just go to bed?" I said. She nodded and I stood there holding her. The timer for the pizza went off and she let go. I got the pizza out of the oven and cut it up. As soon as it cooled down we ate. I did the dished quickly and carried Ashley up to bed. She climbed in under the covers. I went into my bathroom and put on my PJs knowing she might not be comfortable with me sleeping in my boxers tonight. I climbed into bed and she curled right up to me. I kissed her head and held her. "I know I leave for Warped Tour in about a month but I was wondering if you would come with us." I said. "Maybe, if the other girls go. I will." She said. "Juliet is going because she is part of the tour. I will talk to Ella and Roxanne." I said. She nodded. "Ashley, if you ever want to talk to me about today you can. I will always be here for you and if I am not home you can call me at any hour of the day." I said. She smiled weakly and kissed me lightly. She fell asleep as I rubbed her back. I woke up to screaming. I sat up and saw Ashley screaming. I shook her and she woke up. She jumped out of bed and backed away. "Baby, it is just me. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." I said. She slowly walked over and climbed back into bed. She cried into my chest and I held her in my arms. "I was so scared. All I could think about is if I was going to see you again." She sobbed. I rubbed her back. "I promise that will never happen to you again. I will protect you." I said. She nodded. "Would you like to go back to sleep?" I asked. "I'm scared that he will slip back into my dreams and turn them into nightmares again." She said. "I promise that I will wake you up as soon as you need me." I said. She nodded and laid back down. I lied back down and held her close to me.

Roxanne's POV

I came home and found muddy paw prints in the kitchen. "CC!" I shrieked. He came running downstairs followed by Marley and both of them were covered head to toe in mud. "I suggest the both of you get in the shower now while I clean up this." I said. He nodded. I placed Cameron in his bouncer. I got out a sponge and a bucket of soapy water. I cleaned the tile and then dumped out the water. I picked Cameron up and fed him a bottle. I then burped him. I carried him up to his room and sat in the rocking chair. I sang him a lullaby and he fell asleep. I put him in his crib for his nap and left the room. I clipped the baby monitor to my lap and found CC in our room in his boxers blow-drying Marley. I plopped down on the bed. "Where did you two go today?" he asked. "We had to go to the hospital. Something happened to Ashley. But before that Ash came over here crying so I had to comfort him." I said. "Is she alright?" he asked. "Yes, she will be fine. I hope." I said the last part quietly. "So I would like it if you and Cameron came to Warped Tour. Please." He said. "I don't know CC. I will have to think about it. If Ashley needs me, I am going to stay here with her." I said. He nodded. Marley came running over to me and jumped on my lap. "Nice and clean." I said kissing his head. CC jumped on the bed and kissed me. Marley squirmed out from under him and ran out of the room. CC held me tightly in his arms. "I love you so much." He said kissing me. "CC, I know you didn't want to talk about it but baby, how did these happen?" I asked him holding his arm. He looked down disappointed. "Baby, I love you. I am not disappointed with you in anyway." I said. "It happened when Zach's brother showed up for the first time. When you kissed him in the park. I ran back to my apartment crying and not thinking straight. I broke a vase and hurt myself." He said. "Baby, I am so sorry." I said kissing him. "I never should've done that. I wasn't the one thinking straight." I said. He cut me off kissing me. "You don't need to apologize. It was a stupid mistake I made. I love you and you love me. That is all that matters." He said. I nodded and kissed him. I lifted his wrist up to my lips and kissed each one of his scars.  "I will always love you." I said. He smiled. "I should probably go get dressed." He said. I nodded. I heard crying through the baby monitor. CC looked at me and squinted his eyes. We both took off running down the hall. He beat me to the room and stopped awing at the scene before us. Marley had jumped in the crib with Cameron and calmed him down. Marley was somewhat asleep but Cameron was awake. CC moved Marley a little and picked up Cameron. CC calmed Cameron down and kissed his head. "I love you both so much." He said. "And we love you." I said. "I am going to go get dressed then order some pizza for dinner." He said. I nodded and took Cameron from him. Cameron smiled up at me and I kissed one of his rosy red cheeks. "I can never thank your daddy enough for giving you to me. I love you so much Cameron." I said. He smiled up at me. I got up to head downstairs and saw CC in the doorway. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. "Words can never express how much I love you. No amount of time will be long enough for me to love you." He said. "Forever sounds like a good place to start." I said. "I will always love you forever." He said. He kissed me again then we headed downstairs to eat pizza and enjoy our night as a family.

Cameron and Marley above

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