Chapter 16

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Roxy’s POV

I woke up with Marley still cuddled up on my tummy. CC was already up and working on unpacking. I got up and carried Marley outside. I let him do his business and then I fed him his breakfast. CC was running around putting everything away. I was laughing at how he was being a little house husband. I went back to our room and unpacked all my clothes and bathroom supplies. I headed back to the kitchen and made breakfast for myself. I finished eating and cleaned up the dishes. I felt arms wrap around me. I turned around and kissed those nice lips. He kissed back and picked me up. We headed outside and he lied me down in the hammock. He joined me and we started watching the clouds. “Well we are all moved in and the guys are coming over for a barbeque.” He said. I nodded and cuddled into his chest. I soon fell asleep again. I woke up to CC carrying me inside. “Go get dressed; everyone will be here in an hour.” He said. I nodded and headed upstairs. I slipped on my Guns N’ Roses bikini and slipped on a pair of shorts. I headed outside and I heard Sammi. I squealed and ran outside. I tackled her and hugged her tightly. She laughed and hugged me back. “How’s the little jellybean?” she asked. “He’s doing well. I can’t wait to meet him though.” I said smiling. She smiled and we waited for Juliet, Ella and Ashley’s girlfriend Ellie. My mom came in and I tackled her with a hug. I saw my dad and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and I wrapped my legs around him. He carried me out to the backyard. Soon everyone else arrived. I feel so lazy and tired already and it only has been thirty minutes. The guys were grilling and I was talking to the girls while resting my head on my mom’s shoulder. “CC, you letting this girl sleep?” my mom asked. “That’s mostly all she does. I don’t want her doing much.” CC said. I smiled and blew him a kiss. He pretended to catch it and blew one back. I waddled over and hugged him. Savior came on the speakers outside and CC pulled me over to the patio. We soon were dancing and I had my head rested on his chest. I heard people taking pictures but I didn’t mind. “CC, when Cameron is like six months can we get married or when I lose the baby weight?” I asked. “Of course, as long as you’re Mrs. Mora.” He said. I smiled and kissed him. I got into the pool with the girls. The guys called us out when the food was ready. I put a little bit of chicken on my plate and took some salad. CC rested his hand on mine. “Please eat.” He whispered in my ear. I smiled and kissed his cheek. I took a bit more food and started eating. We were all laughing and enjoying ourselves. Ellie is actually a really nice girl. I rested my head on CC’s shoulder as we were making smores. Marley was chasing around fireflies looking cute as ever. I felt a little kick and I smiled. “CC, give me your hand.” I said. “Why?” he asked. I took his hand and rested it on my stomach. His face lit up like a Christmas tree. Soon my mom and dad did the same. I couldn’t help but be happy. My little Cameron is moving around and is happy. I ate one more smore and decided to go for a nighttime swim with my puppy. He ran over to the stairs as I sat down on them. He looked a little scared. I held him on my lap in the water. I pet him gently for him to know everything is okay. He smiled and started wagging his tail. He jumped off my lap and swam around in the pool. I smiled and kissed his head. I picked him up out of the pool and dried him off. I dried myself off and joined CC, Ashley and Ellie by the fire. Ashley and CC went to go get a drink. “So how did you and Ash meet?” I asked. “Just shut the fuck up. You are so annoying. You just want all the attention and I can clearly see you don’t love CC.” she said. I was shocked. “Really then why am I marrying him and having his baby?” I asked. She got angry. I got up and ran. She was chasing after me. “CC!” I screamed. I was pushed and fell into the pool hitting my head. I heard screaming before I blacked out.


Ash and I heard Roxanne screaming. I ran outside with Ash following me. I saw Ellie pushing her into the pool. I dove in and brought her to the surface. I gave her CPR and she choked up some water then passed back out. “What the fuck? You pushed my best friend and my brother’s fiancée into the pool knocking her out. She is pregnant.” Ash screamed. “CC DOESN’T BELONG TO HER! I HAD HIM FIRST!” Ellie yelled. “We never dated.” I said holding Roxanne close. “Yes before Lauren. I hope she dies along with your child.” Ellie yelled. I picked up Roxanne and headed to the car. I drove to the hospital and texted Andy and Juliet to meet us there. Doctors rushed Roxanne back to get her looked at. Andy came running in without a shirt on. It made me smile a bit but not much. “Where is she?” he asked. “Doctors just took her to get looked at.” I said. “What happened?” Juliet asked. “We heard screaming coming from Roxy and we ran out to find Ellie pushing her into the pool all because Ellie wanted to be mine because apparently I dated her.” I said. I started crying and Juliet tried to comfort me. I just want to know if my lovebug and jellybean are okay. We sat out there for a good hour till a doctor came and got us. I was shaking. They led us back to Roxanne. I saw her sitting up and smiling. I ran to her and hugged her tightly. “Who are you?” she asked. My face dropped. “Her baby and she are okay she just has a bit of amnesia. It should pass within the next three weeks.” Her doctor said. I nodded. He explained how bringing back some memories and showing her pictures might help. I hope it does. “Roxanne, I am Christian Mora, you’re fiancé. We are getting married after you have our son Cameron Alexander.” I said. She nodded. “MOMMY! DADDY!” she yelled hugging them. Andy saw how hurt I was but I tried to brush it off. I walked back over to Roxanne. I took her face in my hands and looked into her beautiful green eyes. “I love you so much Roxanne Biersack.” I said kissing her softly with passion. I felt her kiss back. “I love you too Christian Mora.” She said back. “Roxanne?” I said. “CC.” she said kissing me. I smiled and hugged her tightly.

Cameron's room on the side

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