Chapter Two

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Lyla's POV

I have been living with Sarah and John for about a week now, they were nice people and you could see the love in their eyes when they looked at each other. It was heartwarming and I could only hope to be as in love with someone as they were. Sarah and I had gone shopping a couple of days ago. It was nice to be around each other, she wasn't like my other foster mothers, she was kind and didn't expect respect. Of course, I did respect her but the fact that she didn't expect it made me respect her more. But now was my first day at my new school. I didn't mind being the new girl, I would only be new for a few weeks anyway. I only hoped it wasn't one of those schools that would become obsessed with being my friend, sleeping with me or hating me. Hopefully, they'd let me just continue with my life like a normal person. 

"Morning sweetie, you look great." Sarah smiled at me, my black hair was tied up in a ponytail that sat at the top of my head, my outfit consisted of a pair of white skinny jeans, a black tank top and a black jacket. I wore my new converse trainers that were much more comfortable than my old ones that had frayed over the years of use. 

"Thanks, Sarah. How did you sleep?" I ask, moving around the large kitchen to make some toast. I knew I wouldn't want much this morning, my nerves were buzzing around my stomach, wallowing just under the surface of my skin waiting to escape. I wouldn't let them, they knew that, but they still tried to fight their way out through my barriers of self-preservation. 

"Great, thanks, sweetie. John left for work early but you can take my car to school." Sarah offers. 

"No, I can take the bus, it's fine." I smile back, now sitting in front of her, eating my toast. This had become sort of a routine. I liked it, this was a positive routine that I enjoyed. 

"I insist, just for today. I don't have work anyway." Sarah explains. 

"You'd be stuck here for the day though." I frown my toast slowly but surely disappearing. 

"It's fine. I wouldn't be stuck." Sarah assures me. "I'm not going to give up." 

"Okay. Only for today though." Sarah smiles at my response. 

"Small battles." Sarah laughs and I chuckle along with her. I'm soon finished with my breakfast and I pick up my rucksack that I left by the door, fully packed with the things I need. Sarah hands me her keys and we say a short goodbye. 

Sarah's car was good. It was rather small but that was a good thing, I didn't want to show up in something big and flashy, something small suited me nicely. Sarah had already shown me the way to school, since I had a fantastic memory and sense of direction it was easy for me to find it again on my own. I climbed out of the car and everyone's eyes were on me. Great. I locked Sarah's car before going into the school. I already had my locker number, code and my timetable. I found my locker with minimal effort, everyone's eyes still followed me around but I ignored them. 

"Hey." A male says from next to me. I plaster a fake smile on my face and turn to look at them. 

"Hi." I smile, "You are?" 

"Benjamin." The guy smiles. "And you are?" 

"Lyla," I answer, the guy goes to say something else but my mind drifts elsewhere. Goosebumps rising along my skin and I feel alert to everything around me. As if I'm looking for something I haven't yet found. 

"So what do you say?" I hear Benjamin ask, bringing my attention back to him. "A date Saturday night?" 

"Nope," I say with a bright smile Benjamin isn't used to being rejected because the look on his face right now was priceless. "See ya around." I smile, walking around him and to my locker where I place my unneeded books and such. 

I find my way to my homeroom, it takes more time to find than my locker but thankfully I still make it before the late bell rings. When I enter everyone's eyes are once again on me, I ignore them and walk over to the teacher who stands to greet me. 

"Hello, you must be Lyla. I'm Mrs Martin, you can take a seat at the back." I nod and make my way to the back. The row is empty so I decide to take the seat closest to the window. Mrs Martin starts talking but is stopped by the door opening. Three guys walking in, again I felt that feeling of goosebumps and I become weirdly aware of everything around me. My eyes meet the tallest guy who seems to be the leader and my heart seems to beat out of my chest. Suddenly I feel complete and a weird sense of being whole fills me. Soon I find that he's walking towards me, with every step that he takes I feel my heart beat faster. His eyes never leave mine. Soon he's standing next to me. 

"That's my seat." The guy says, a sexy smirk on his face. Normally I found smirking unattractive but on him, it fit perfectly. 

"And I'm sat in it," I answer, my senses finally coming back to me as our eyes break apart. 

"You shouldn't be." The guy answers so quickly it was as if it was a reflex answer. 

"Shame," I say with a shrug. "The problem with that chair is..." I trail off, waiting for a reply. His friends have already taken the two remaining seats and all that was left was the one next to me. Everyone's eyes are on us, some of their jaws have dropped. I guess nobody stood up to him. The guy sat down without another word. It's silent for a while before Mrs Martin starts talking again. 

"I'm Jason. Jason Black." The guy - Jason - whispers in my ear, he's so close I can feel his breath on my neck and my heart skips a beat slightly and I suddenly feel light-headed. What's happening to me? 

"Lyla," I whisper back, trying to put as much space between me and him as possible. He was making me feel things, strange things. 

"Well hello, my beautiful mate," Jason smirks. 

"Mate?" I ask, "When did we agree to be friends?" Jason looks at me with shock and thinks to himself for a moment. His beautiful blue eyes glass over and it seems like he's in a deep conversation, which simply isn't possible. His eyes go back to their normal bright blue color and he sends me a wide smile. 

"Well, do you accept my request?" Jason asks. 

"That was a request?" I ask with one of my eyebrows raised. He just nods with a playful grin. "Fine. We can be friends." I say with a quiet giggle. I liked Jason, something within me just begged for us to be more than friends. 

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