Chapter Four

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Lyla's POV

My tired eyes slowly drag open as the annoying sound of my alarm forces me out of my restless sleep. After last night's conversation I hadn't slept much. Sadly school was still required and I would see Jason. What I would say, or do I'm not sure yet. I allow my body to move on it's own, following my usual routine while still being hunted by looming exhaustion. Today would be a long day, I knew it. After getting ready and preparing myself for the day I drag myself down the stairs, where Sarah waits. 

"Morning honey." She greets happily, placing some toast on the table along with a mug of coffee. 

"Morning Sarah." I smile at her as best I can in my exhausted state. She gives me a sad look and sits in front of me with her own coffee cup. 

"I shouldn't have told you, should I? Not all at once at least." Sarah frowns. "I'm sorry honey, I should have considered how hard it would be for you to process this all at once." 

"Sarah, it's fine. I'm glad I know. I hate secrets." I tell her honestly. She gives me a skeptical look but nods. 

"Do you have any questions?" Sarah asks as I take a bite of my toast. I think through all of the questions that ran through my head last night, one stands out more then the others. The question is stupid and should be the least of my worries but for some reason it is the one running through my head most forcefully. 

"Mates." I state cautiously, Sarah nods at me to continue. "How do you know when someone is your mate?" 

"Well it's different for everyone. However the one thing every mated couple share is that they feel comfortable with the other person, you love the strange things they do, they make you smile and laugh while also driving you crazy. It can be utterly foolish at times, but you love them." Sarah explains, the look in her eyes tell me she's speaking from experience. Apart of me wonders if that's how my parents felt about each other, if that's how they looked when talking about each other. I'll never know though. I'll never get the chance to know them. 

"The Mate Bond is what makes you love them?" I ask next. 

"No honey. The Mate Bond just build's the foundation so there is a better possibility of love." Sarah answers. I nod, the words settling in my mind. "Let's get you to school." Sarah suggests when we have both finished our breakfast. Together we walk in silence to her car. 


I slide out of the car and wave goodbye to Sarah with my bag on my shoulder. Most people are focused on their respective friendship groups, although I still feel a set of eyes on me. No matter how much I want to, I can't bring myself to feel uncomfortable. If anything I feel more confident then ever. From my strange reaction I can only assume it's Jason. 

"Lyla!" Jason calls, his voice makes butterflies erupt in my stomach and I instantly turn around. My heart races and I look down, forcing myself to avoid his beautiful eyes. 

"Hey Jason." I greet, his feet were in sight and I force myself to look up, still avoiding his eyes that were bound to put me into a trance. 

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry about yesterday. You are right, we shouldn't have secrets." Jason apologizes. Words escape me and my heart races. I feel his hand on mine and instantly my nerves feel like they are on fire. 

"It's fine." I force out, keeping my voice steady, my eyes glued to where our hands are connected. Gently he pulls his hand away from mine, but the tingling fire still lingers and I wish his hand was still there. "I was being dumb, I'm sorry for avoiding you all day." I force myself to smile and my head slowly drags up. Our eyes meet and my world seems to stop. It feels like Jason and I are the only two people alive. His eyes bring safety and seem to be full of unspoken promises. 

"Start fresh today?" He asks with a dazzling smile, I force myself to break eye contact, ripping myself away from his eyes and nod. 

"Sounds like a great idea." I nod. He smiles at me and together we walk to class. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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