Chapter 2

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We were at a family reunion and I knew nobody there I only knew my Foster parents and my uncle that's it everybody kept staring at me and asking me a lot of questions about  me and my birth parents but I didn't know anything about them so I went in my room to take a deep breath and to think about my thoughts and what I was going to say i went back out and my step dad asked me to get him his speaker from my step parents room and I grabbed the speaker and I was about to leave till something caught the corner of my eye it was hanging out the cabinet that they kept all there work stuff in and I grabbed it not thinking anything of it and I set the speaker down and looked at what was in side it was my birth certificate from the hospital but my parents names were crossed out and I couldn't read what any of it said so I put it back in and put it back in the cabinet picked the speaker back up and went out like nothing happened.

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