Chapter 5

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I couldn't believe it! It was my uncles name! It was insane I sat there in shock not knowing what to do the first thing I thought of was telling my adoption parents and confronting my uncle called so dad I had no clue what to do so I went back to my room to process this but luckily it was Sunday so it was Easter and we were having Easter dinner so that's when I thought I was gonna do it and I am because it was just gonna be me and my adoption parents and my uncle/dad I don't even know what to call him it was finally time for Easter dinner I got ready and went out the food was all set up we all sat at the table and that's when I did it I pulled out the certificate and my adopted parents faces dropped my uncle well I guess my dad he started crying then he explained and so did my adoption parents I finally understood but then this girl walked through the door I had no idea who it was.

Dad?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz